Monday, September 12, 2016


Today is September 11 and 15 years after the attack. Today is the day when I voice my opinion about that shindig they conduct Downtown in New York and embarrass all the TV stations to carry it.

For God's sake it was fifteen years ago. Let it finally go and don't continue this show filled with fake tears.

In 1960 World War II was already fifteen years over. Europe was rebuilt and people did not hold annual memorial services reading out six million names. Memorial services are still being held but they are tasteful and quiet.

The loved ones lost are all in our hearts and memories, there is no need to read out and mispronounce their names in public.

To me, mispronouncing the name of a deceased is more of a sacrilege than anything else. And unfortunately it happens every year.

It was noted on television that the 9/11 Memorial site is becoming a tourist attraction. Why not?

The Memorial Museum with a $24 ticket price is nothing but tourist attraction. Why can they not operate the entire thing on donations?

The operators are there to make money on people's grief. That is unfortunately the American way. A memorial like this should be absolutely free for everybody who is interested and want to see it.

It is a shame that it took all these year after 2001 to come to agreements and build the new World Trade Center. They say money is root of all evil.

The entire World Trade Center, the Memorial and today's ceremony is buried under how much money can there be made.

It turns my stomach to see how the organizers come up with schemes to fleece the people. They should be ashamed of themselves.

I have the right to criticize. I was there and I am a survivor.

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