Saturday, December 10, 2016


Yesterday I criticized the idiots that work on help lines and are forcing us to turn to them for assistance.

Well, here is one for today.

In New York traffic lingo a gridlock is when automobiles and other motorized vehicles get stuck in a  four-way jam and totally block intersections. In Midtown Manhattan this is a fairly frequent occurence.

Nobody really know how to fix it and during the year the City is not doing anything to alleviate the problem. But during the Christmas season they declare gridlock alert days. This means that any vehicle caught inside the gridlock can and will be ticketed.

New York City has miles and miles of parkways and highways. On these roads there are these huge overhead electronic signs These signs convey various traffic related messages to the driving public.

Today on all New York City's roads this was shown on these signs: "Today is Gridlock Alert Day. Take Public Transportation"

Now, think for a moment. The thousands of motorists who saw this message were already in their cars and obviously not using public transportation.

What was the point in making such an announcement? Did they expect people to feverishly abandon their cars and rush towards buses and subways?

There are stupids everywhere.

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