Friday, January 6, 2017


I am not a superpatriotic person but there are things happening that burn my insides.

We are living in a democratic society that is governed by a constitution. That document might not be perfect but still it is one of the best in the world. It governes life in this country and like it or not that is what we have.

So, there was a presidential election in November and Donald Trump won with a considerable electoral majority. As in every election there are ones who vote for the other candidates and like in every election there is a winner and there are losers.

But I have never seen anything like what people who are against this winner do. They act like hurt teenage girls. "I didn't get what I wanted so I want nothing now."

Some people voiced their discontent after the election like Robert DeNiro who said he would move to Canada. Good, don't let the door hit you in the back!

Others like the Canadian Celine Dion and the Brit Elton John refused an invitation to appear at the Presidential Inauguration in Washington.

It seems that this country is only good for asking enormous fees for their appearances but our democratic system is not to their liking. Not to accept a democratically elected president is about an un-American as spying to an enemy country.

Not accepting a democratically elected president (for me) is equal to trying to destroy this country.

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