Thursday, January 21, 2021

Human Flight

 The king is dead, long live the king!

I was watching the inauguration ceremony on and off during the day and I tell you I was embarrassed. In an African or South American military dictatorship have ceremonies like this was. The people everybody claims to represent were excluded, only the A-listers were there (politically speaking).

The streets were empty except security some poor government employees who were ordered to be there and look enthusiastic. After the swearing in and other meaningless happenings the new president and others headed back to the White House. Not far from it him and the missis decided to walk the rest of the way. This is a tradition now.

They walked an almost empty Pennsylvania Avenue. And what is interesting that they kept waving to whom? It was pretty embarrassing. I can not believe that this man does not see the difference between now and 12 years ago. Then there was a crowd now there was no one. 

He must be so scared that is why there was such security. He claims to represent the American people but the people were excluded from this ceremony.

I am very excited because in time we will be witnessing a life altering discovery. The wife of the new president is always waving so vehemently that eventually she will take off. And when that happens human flight will be invented. And the Democrats will take the credit. 


  1. They certainly showed a bad example , no social distancing at all.

  2. It is incredible how differently we see the same thing. Because of the Riot on January 6, which was planned and fueled by Trump, the National Guard had to be brought in. This was a precaution to make sure that the zealous Trump followers don't embarrass the country again. Several fences were put up to make sure that an assentation can't happen. What appalled me more is that Trump didn't have the courage and follow the age old tradition to attend the inauguration. There is always a winner and a loser, but the loser shouldn't be a spoiled child and take his doll and go home. That would have shown strength not weakness.
