Tuesday, August 3, 2021


I find it very interesting the driving habits of people around here, in New York. I say here, because I found that driving habits are varying in different areas.

In New York people drive like maniacs. They don't pay attention to pedestrians or other drivers. Hit and fruns are happening too frequently. That is when a person is hit by a car and left on the scene dead or alive with the driver fleeing. Fortunately, they are eventually caught by the police.

Basic highway rule is that slow drivers to the right, passing on the left. Now, little old ladies, on the way to church stay on the left and drive 10 miles below the speed limit. Little old men do the same thing. They wouldn't change lane even if their life depends on it. This is very annoying.

The other side of the coin is that you drive about 10 miles over the speed limit and there are always some who push you off the road at the speed of sound. My 10 miles over is not good enough for him. The greatest satisfaction is when a few miles down the road he is on the shoulder with a flashing police car standing behind him. That makes my day.

When there is line squeezing because of construction, there are always some smart asses who know the trick how to get ahead without staying in the long line. Well, I know the trick too. Stay in the line that eventually disappear until the very end. This way you avoid letting other cars cutting i before you.

I taught this trick to my wife, and now she drives like a man.


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