Thursday, December 2, 2021


American TV has a lot of stations that broadcast only news. But I have a problem with those. Understandably, they only broadcast what is related to this country. And, hours and hours are spent on commentaries, pro and con of this administration. Listening to those I get saturated with controversial information and filled to the top with repetitive news.

For this reason, we found two networks whose programming are more widespread. BBC World News shows interesting news from around the world. A few days ago, they even had a live interview with one of the Hungarian prime minister candidates. They are really global.

The other network we like is I24. This is an Israeli news channel airing primarily Israeli but also international news in English. I find it fascinating how the world changes, how past sworn enemies become friends and partners.

Case in point, the Israeli station is full of Dubai commercials and lately also showing commercials from some other Muslim countries. Not Palestine, though! Looks like Dubai and Israel are becoming good buddies. According to TV Israeli tourists are flocking to Dubai. 

It is funny how this Middle Eastern buddy-buddy thing started during the Trump era but somehow it was all forgotten. Whatever happen to his Nobel Peace Prize nomination?   

1 comment:

  1. Trump, this seemingly out rageous idiot, deserves the prize. Not rubbis like Malala Y.
    Be careful with the BBC. It is very left wing and anti Israel, meaning antisemitic. Just a few days ago when abuscarrying jewish kids celebrating Chanuckah, bloody muslims attacked the coach, spitting, shoting and ccwhat is considered a gravely offensive gestures, showing the sole of their shoes. According the BBC report there was an anti muslim shout from the coach. No proof supplied. A late apologie came.
