Tuesday, April 26, 2022


We are living in very exciting times. I came to the conclusion that being old(er) is a very unique thing. For one, life is not boring as the younger generation believes it. For us life is full of surprises and unexpected events. At every corner something new is waiting for us. Every day brings new joys and new things. And all these put together should bring smiles to our faces. So why are we not smiling?

Because one of the surprises that starts off the day is that we woke up in the morning. That means we are part of the woke generation! Not the woke the media is occupied with but the woke up generation. At our advanced age just waking up in the morning is a surprise. Another surprise if we remember what we did the day before. As the day progresses there are more surprises are awaiting us. Like remembering our spouses' names and remembering all our grandchildren's names. Evening might hold the biggest surprise when we have to remember what we ate for breakfast.

The new things we are frequently encountering the aches and pains. At every move we are making another part of our bodies are responding to in a negative manner. Pains in places we never knew existed. Movements we made million times in our lifespan are suddenly become a hassle. And unfortunately, these do not go away. If money could accumulate as much as our aches do it would be good.

So, every day I am anxious to see what surprises are in store for me. What used to be able to do things are not readily possible. That is why we are living in exciting times. Any comment?  

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