Wednesday, May 25, 2022


The memory is a very funny thing. Sometimes we try to remember something, and it just does not work. Other times we see something or hear something, and then a light comes on in our brain and signals that yes, this we do remember. Importance has nothing to do with it. Neither when id the memory comes from. Sometimes we do not remember what we ate yesterday for breakfast, sometimes we do remember what we did on our 18th birthday. And believe me, our 18th birthday was much further back than yesterday's breakfast.

Many times I try to remember a name and it is on the tip of my tongue but can not say it. This usually bothers me a lot. I usually say that now I won't be able to sleep because of it. Then just out of the blue, maybe in the middle of the night memory does its thing and that light comes on and there is the answer.

Now, why is this psychoanalysis? One day I was reading an article on a Hungarian website and within that website there was a name. The name was of a Hungarian man. I read it and said to myself this sounds very familiar. The more and more I thought about it the more familiar it became. I was convinced that I had a classmate in the 1950s by that name. I even have a class picture and I am still sure I know which one of us was him.

I asked a very good friend of mine hoping he would remember but sadly he did not. Granted, the kid I thought of was a very quiet kid, he was not in our circle of friends but still, we went to the same class for four years and nobody would remember him. This was very disconcerting. I found pictures of him and he certainly did not look as my other classmates look, but still. I am convinced that even if he is not that classmate, he is somehow related to him. 

Just because nobody remembers him, I still trust my memory.  

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