Tuesday, March 21, 2023


Courtesy is not a known word.in the American dictionary. Maybe I am too old fashioned, maybe I am naive, maybe I am just not with the times, but I still expect a certain courtesy in the daily life. I have no way comparing daily life in other countries but here in the good old US of A it is a myth. Unfortunately, schools don't teach courtesy or common behavior neither do the families to their children.

How can a parent teach common courtesy when the parent behaves like a common oaf. I realize that New York is a mixing pot of various cultures and courtesy is different or nonexistent in some countries but for God's sake people should try to assimilate to their environment and not force their moral and physical values on to others.

I am walking with two canes for balance support. Many times I take public transportation like subway or bus. Several times I have to stand because nobody thinks to give up their seat. Rarely, an older person eventually stands up and offers his or her seat to me. But never, never a young person! The good thing is that I really have no problem standing but on a longer ride it feels good to sit.

There are drivers who just hate to wait in line when traffic conditions make it necessary. They jump the line, cut you off and try anything to get ahead. If you stop to let someone in, without exception somebody else will try to get in, too. Many times it happened to us that when we tried to park on the street and pulled the car ahead in order to back into the parking spot somebody pulled in from the back and said "oh, I didn't see you". This kind of attitude led to violence many times.

Courtesy at home is also an unknown thing. I always say 'bye' when I am leaving or say 'hello' when I return. Abigail doesn't do that. She rarely says 'good morning' when she comes out of her bedroom in the morning. If and when I complain she tells me that I am too old fashioned. That is her answer to everything. 

What a world we live in.

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