Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Sunday 2

My wife and I this Sunday had a very busy day. It reminded me of bygone days when we (mostly me) were not sitting home twiddling our thumbs. Morning started with Abigail and my wife went off to the gym for a little workout, I don't know what a little workout does if it is not done regularly, but Abigail was the decision maker on this.

After that we went into Manhattan for brunch with a longtime acquaintance and a very good friend. The brunch lasted a good three hours. Talking, rehashing old memories, time just went by. Oh, by the way, the food was good, too.

On the way home we got tangled up with a huge demonstration that really crippled traffic in that part of the city, Because the UN General Assembly is here now, demonstrations were cropping up all over. Also this made parking almost impossible. My poor wife dropped us off near the restaurant and then circled around for 45 minutes until she found parking several blocks away. The avenues and nearby streets were all had parking restrictions so the famous and infamous politicians could move around without traffic hindrance.

The demonstration had to do with the environment: stop fossil fuel. Every Tom, Dick and Harry were there. It was a nice, sunny day so all had a good time. It took us quite an effort to finally get out of the City, but we did, on to home. At home we just recuperated a little then on to the next program.

We both like Andre Rieu very much. He is the Dutch musician who tours the world with his music and orchestra. Whenever he come to this area, we make an effort to see him. Sunday, he appeared in an arena with the capacity of at least 15,000 people and it was full house. The program was good. It just proves that there still are people who like good, sentimental music and not just today's loud and incomprehensible music. There were numbers when people got up and yes, they were dancing in the isles.

By the time we got home was 11 o'clock, the end of a full day. I would be lying if I said I wasn't tired, but it was worth it.

1 comment:

  1. I must say, for whatever reason I taken a dislike to Andre Rieux. The music he plays I Iike. Love Viennese operettas. Kalman is the favourite, of course he was jewish. Lehar just had a jewish wife. As he was Hitlers favourite composer, he forgave him for this. Evidently Lehar and his wife never spent a whole night together. She had an adjoining house. Hitler offered a catholic conversion to Kalman, but he refused.
