Tuesday, October 17, 2023


This is strictly my opinion and the way I see things happening. Somebody might not agree with it but then this MY blog!

I believe the media really is not interested in this except just for the story. They are not taking sides, they are not saying who is right and who is wrong. They are just reporting it what they see. In their opinion the plight of the "poor" Palestinians are more stories than what is happening in Israel.

The media is full of articles blaming Israel, their military for whatever they do. What about blaming Hamas for what they did? Israelis had a peaceful concert a few miles from their border and were attacked and killed without any provocation. But that is not as interesting than what happens in Gaza now. 

Everywhere I turn all I hear is how the Palestinians are suffering because of no water, no electricity. Nobody is saying how much the families are suffering who lost loved ones because of Hamas. Everybody is preoccupied with getting humanitarian aid into Gaza. Why? Let Hamas take care of the humanitarian aid. O, I forgot they are not human.

They want Egypt to open their border crossing so Palestinian civilians may leave. Smart thinking. I wander how many terrorists will slip through and find his way into European countries. 

In the age of the Cold War, the soviets sent their people into western countries under the guise of regular people. Their assignment was to live a normal life, blend in. And when the trumpet sounds do what they were trained to do. In ensuing years many got caught but I bet there are still some around even though the Soviet system is dead.

So, what stops these Islamists to do the same thing? In New York there are oodles of nationalities living in a "stressed harmony". How do we know what they are thinking and where their loyalties lie?

Everybody is scared and this is not a right way to live. We all know that the government can not protect us. All they can do is issue apologies if something terrible happens and promise that they will investigate.

I would like to say that "Good country America" but right now I just don't feel it.

1 comment:

  1. Look into what is happening in Sweden, Denmark and Germany. Or, I am afraid in England. An example, the prime minister of Scotland is a muslim with family in Palestine. no need to enlarge on this.
