Sunday, February 25, 2024


I honestly believe that there is a conspiracy in this country against Donald Trump. This conspiracy started right after he became the Democratic nominee for the presidency. I don't know who the leader is or are but I am absolutely sure that Nancy Pelosi and Schumer are at the top. After he won the election, it bugged the hell out of them to see that an "outsider", a non-politician became the president of this country.

Once his presidency was over the democratic machinery went out full blast to destroy him. It is not coincidental that right now there are about six or seven lawsuits pending against him. It is not coincidental that several states or their attorney generals decided that he could not be on their ballots. It is unbelievable that all these people come up with the same idea at the same time.

A blind person can see it that this is being orchestrated. And that can only be by the Democrats. He is campaigning for the 2024 election. He is very popular and this time the leading candidate. The Democrats are trying everything in their power to have him found guilty in some of the lawsuits because that might disqualify him from running. But it doesn't seem that they would succeed. 

While his lawsuits are cropping up left and right at alarming speed, our president son's charges are moving at a snail space/ Biden is very successful getting the affairs of his son buried in the bureaucracy and swept under the rug. Interestingly all the media already showed the shady side and doings of his son, but the prosecutors don't seem to find anything. Now, don't tell me that there is no influence peddling in this case. 

The Democrats are concentrating on a conspiracy theory to overturn the previous election results and are blaming Trump that he orchestrated the whole thing. What about the Democratic orchestration to disqualify Donald Trump and force on us a demented old man at the head of the American government. The government is so eager to chastise Putin for what he does but are we any different?  

Good country America! 

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