Sunday, March 10, 2024


Mysteries of life:

When a tree falls in the forest does it make a sound?

When a man (or woman) takes a shower and there is nobody around, does he pee in i

Flatulating (farting) in public is a no-no. When there is nobody around, do you fart out loud?

Does fart smells bad only when there are others (like your wife) around or in total privacy it has no smell at all?

My wife accuses me of slurping when I eat soup, so I keep controlling myself until she gets up and goes out to the kitchen, then I slurp. Are other people in the same boat?

One has a toothache and goes to the dentist. While sitting in the waiting room the toothache stops. Why?

In the area where I live there is not a single gas station with chargers for electric cars, yet I see electric cars parked on the streets, not in garages. Where do they charge their batteries?

Kosher food costs more than non-kosher. Why, because the rabbi so expensive?

My wife claims that I snore so loud that neither her nor Robin are able to sleep. I don't believe this. How come that only she hears it and I hear nothing?

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