Thursday, April 18, 2024


As it is known I am living in an apartment house. Several months ago, Amazon placed two huge steel cabinets in our lobby. No explanation, nothing they were just suddenly here. Since I am not very well versed on "world affairs" I had no clue what they were for. Until one day I saw something in a movie we were watching. It turned out they are to store packages that are being delivered.

Until now Amazon either brought packages to our doors or just left them in the lobby. This last solution led to several complaints about stolen packages. But now we hit the 21st century.

Upon delivering a package they place it in one of those niches then notify the recipient. We have to stand front of this monster, press a few buttons on the cell phone and one little door will snap open. You can't tell which will open so it is not advisable to stand close because it can hit you in the face. The box sizes are different so even large boxes can be placed inside.

This is a good invention because it supposed to reduce theft. The flip side as I understand it is if a package is not removed in three days, Amazon will take it out and it will go somewhere. What happens if a person travels and can not collect his packages?

Maybe FedEx and UPS will co-work with Amazon and make use of this creation in the future. So far the thieves still have the choice between FedEx and UPS.

The interesting thing is that this is based on the fact that one has a cell phone. What happens if I don't have one? I will not be able to take my packages? I assume there are still people around, maybe real old people, who do not have call phones. Stuck in the 20th century. 

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