Sunday, April 14, 2024


Today is my wife's birthday. Accordingly, the day is filled with non-stop celebrations. Music, dancing, partying and eating.

Then I woke up and realized that that is not what's happening. It was just wishful thinking. The reality is that Abigail pre-paid a day at a spa for her mom and herself. (I stay home and ugly.) I bought a nice bunch of flowers and a tiramisu cake. And at the end it turned out very nice.

I always hated my wives' birthdays. Never knew what to buy. If they really liked something they never waited until their birthdays but bought it. So, at the end nothing was left for me. Also the most difficult thing is to buy a piece of clothing or jewelry for a woman without consulting with her because by nature they are very opinionated and choosey.

I remember long time ago when I was a young boy, my father bought a pocketbook for my mother for her birthday. It was too fancy for her and she didn't really like it. It wound up on the top of the cabinet. When I asked my mom she told me the same thing. I was very upset that my father bought her such a nice present and she didn't like it. But I learned that this is the way women are and in all the ensuing years I never bought "surprise" presents. And that is the case now.

So, finally I wish a Happy Birthday for my wife, with love! 

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