Saturday, March 13, 2021


Last night our lame president made his first speach to the people. It took 24 minutes and said nothing. He took credit for the coronavirus vaccines never metioning his predecessor under whose administration it was developed. He spoke like a robot, mouthing the words without really meaning them.

Today he held his first Rose Garden event where he spoke about the $1.9 trillion aid package. He was surrounded by the leaders: the vp, Schumer and Pelosi. During his speach Scumer kept nodding his head so vigorously like those little dummies in cars rear windows. He is sucking up bigtime!

This whole thing is ridiculous. They want to quiet the people with the $1,400 checks hoping thta once we all get it we will all think that this administration is godsent. I don't believe this will work. The American peo[ple are not very bright but not that stupid either.


The city of Minneapolis agreed to pay the family of George Floyd $27 million. It is sad that the man had to die such a way but still! This will now create a precedence for the family of anybody to sue the police if a family member happens to die while in police custody. And sue for monies that these people wouldn't have made in 10 lifetimes (legally).

We are living in a society where suing is a national sport. Everything has a price including human life. Unfortunately, all those awards make our life more expensive. Insurance companies don't just give money away. To plug the gap they raise their fees. We pay higher fees other costs increase. So, this is a never ending cycle.

But I guess the people wo will receive the $27 million (less about $10 million for attorney fees) don't care about others just for themselves. I wonder how much compensation  chinese people will get who were beaten up in the streets just because they happen to be chinese. Or the orthodox kids and men who were chased down the streets of Brooklyn just because they happen to be jewish.

It seems that some lives matter more than others!


1 comment:

  1. Especially if they are black!

    Another point, will you vote for Meghan as president? Are you racist?
