Thursday, March 11, 2021

Food and Pandemic

I used to love going out to eat in restaurants. But since this pandemic scare we had not eaten out at all. Actually we did not even had food delivered too many times. My wife is a good cook and I don't think she minds cooking for us. Most of the times she prepares some Hungarian specialty that can be eaten for more than one day.

Actually, stuff like Hungarian goulash, stuffed cabbage and a few more taste better as the days go by. So, we are doing ok.

New York City is in the throes of pandemic chaos. They closed the restaurants, then they allowed outdoor eating, then they allowed lomited inside eating then they closed the whole thing down. It was like a roller coaster. On again, off again.

Now we are in the stage wher restaurant eating ia allowed but at a reduced capacity.

I don't think that we will be venturing out in the near future to any restaurant. Our eating habits seem to be working fine.

We have a concern about restaurant food. They claim and swear on the bible that all their employees are checked daily and everybody is healthy. I don't believe them! In today's world where permissiveness and falsehood are prevalent from the highest echelons of government down to the "common" people how do I know that the kitchen staff where my food is coming from do not have the virus?

How can I be sure that the chef, the cook, and any of the kitchen staff do not carry the virus? Just because they say so?

Well, better be safe than sorry, we will keep eating at home for a while.  

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