Tuesday, January 18, 2022


I already mentioned a few times that my darling wife is an obsessive cleaner. Occasionally her cleaning enthusiasm reaches such heights that all I can do is smile.

Here is an example: we are busy all day, doing stuff. Get home late in the afternoon, tired. I hope against ho[ppe that maybe today we will forgo cleaning. Little naive, me. We get inside the apartment when the command sounds: cleaning. And not just a little cursory run through, but a total dusting and vacuuming. What can I do? I obey.

The other osession she has is a clean car. She doesn't understand that a dirty car has a certain charm and a macho look. No, the car has to be spic and span. And that makes visits to the carwash a frequent event. She doesn't care about weather forecast. They might be forecasting rain or snow for the afternoon but that has no meaning to her. She will go to the carwash before the bad weather rather than wait until it is over and go after.

This is typical feminine behavior. Men will never do things like this. Let the car get dirtier and dirtier. That way it will have some prestige.

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