Friday, July 29, 2022


I read in the new a while back that a new golf group was established by the name of LIV. This group has Saudi money in it and it supposed to make it more worthwhile for the players to join in. Since being a professional golf is strictly for the money it started to be very popular among the pros. They promise to pay out more than the PGA does.  

Named professional players went over in large numbers and that scared the PGA to the point that they announced that whoever joins LIV is no longer a PGA member. Well, money talks and the players did not scare.

Why am I writing all this? Because no matter what happens in this country there are always people who don't like it and will object to it. There is a golf tour coming up in Boston i middle of September and people are already speaking up against it. They claim it is unethical or immoral or something like that to promote such event that has Saudi money in it. They say remember the World Trade Center, 9-11. Saudi Arabia was responsible for that so how can we accept their money for golf?

On that count why they are not objecting for Mercedeses, BMWs and other German products because of the Holocaust, or Nissan, Honda, Yamaha and other Japanese products because of WWII? Or interning the American Japanese makes us even?

Americans are very interesting. There are always the martyrs who play on public sentiment to get their points across. 

I guess we can accept their oil but not their golf money! 

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