Tuesday, July 12, 2022

The Torys

Today I was watching a news program on the American BBC station. Their main subject was the prospective new leaders of the British government. Boris Johnson resigned, and his party will designate a new leader, thus the prime minister. It is interesting to see how little or none at all the authority the Queen has. She is nothing more than a ceremonial figurehead with absolutely no power at all. Stays out of politics, has no comment and her speeches are written by the current government. A job with no responsibility but with a huge income potential. 

They showed 14 aspiring conservative candidates who all want to be prime ministers. It was a very interesting list It looked like a Bombay, sorry Mumbai telephone directory. Whatever happened to the good old English names? Looking at those names it looks like a systematic takeover by second generation non-brits.

I don't know how the English feel about this but if I were one of them, I certainly wouldn't like it. Is this what their Conservative Party became? Sad, very sad!

1 comment:

  1. Sad is an understatement! Tragic. Watch the BBC an wonder which Asian country you are in. For diversity you will see some local blacks. I am upset continuously. Of course some villages are still predominantly white. Most os or really all the major towns now have muslim mayors. London included.
