Saturday, August 26, 2023


Last night I was watching Trump's booking on tv. It was stomach turning and ridiculous at the same time. This was a Democratic (Pelosi, Schumer) orchestrated tragedy. Ancient Greek tragedies don't come near to what these people are attempting to do.

There is this two-bit little district attorney who is eagerly trying to get her five minutes of fame. I got news for her, in five years nobody will remember her. But I give her credit for one thing. She is a good dancer. She dances very weel to the tunes of Pelosi/Schumer.

They cheated and lied during the 2020 elections. They stole the votes to make sure their candidate would come out as the winner. Now, when people are questioning it they started a campaign of false accusations and lawsuits. Even if it involves a previously democratically elected president.

They do not care if in the progress they make the country the laughingstock of the world. This hick in the Peach State dances to their choreography in the hope of becoming famous. Their story was that Trump will be treated as any other person who gets arrested. Very funny.

He arrived with a police motorcycle escort and with a motorcade of about 15 cars. What "any other person" arrives like this? Their other lame excuse was that mugshots were needed for identification purposes.

Donald Trump was the 45th president of this, and their country. There are more photographs of him than any of these beer bellied Georgia hicks. They just did it to embarrass him and everybody else who is on his side.

But with God's help he will prevail and show the world that he was a good president and that will be again.



Wednesday, August 16, 2023


It is disgusting and totally anti-American what they are doing with Donald Trump. The Democratic Party led conspiracy is making this country not better than any African or Asian country that are ruled by despots. It is their mode of governing to exorcise their former oppositions either on drummed up charges or just get rid of them.

That is exactly what the Democratic Party is doing. If it is Nancy Pelosi's doing or Biden's doing is immaterial. They find willing participants who are looking for their 15 minutes of fame. They are given the choreography and the dance begins.

And that is exactly what is happening in Georgia today. They found a two-bit district attorney who has no principles and who is looking for her short lived limelight. The democrats are foaming in the mouth in their efforts to stop or hinder Trumps' effort toward the presidency.

The funny thing is that the more they do to stop him more his popularity increases. Georgia already screwed up the previous election. Now they will have another opportunity to do it again. It seems that they are not concerned with the fact that acts like this makes America the laughingstock of the world. We already are with our dementia ridden president, but this will just make it worst.

All the scandals that are surrounding the First Family are continuously being swept under the rug. They can cheat and lie without any remorse. But the previous president under whose administration the economy was healthy, under whose administration there was no unemployment, under whose administration illegals were not overtaking our cities and under whose administration there were no wars is becoming public enemy number one.

People with logic should just think about the quagmire we are in.

I frequently travel to Florida by car, driving through the Peach State. As far as I am concerned it si only good for the toilet pit stops! By its recent act they became the septic tank of this country