Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Happy Birthday

Today is the birthday of a very good friend of mine. He is the same age as I am, actually 22 days younger than I. That makes me his elder and wiser! Too bad that he lives across the pond because we don't have much opportunity for joint birthday celebrations.

We know each other practically all our lives. For years went to the same schools, lived in the same neighborhood, hung out together. As the result of the 1956 events in Hungary we wound up in different continents. He made his life there while I made mine here. He became a successful businessman and a family man. 

About 30 years ago he visited New York and called me. Ever since then we keep close contact with each other and also had the chance to meet a few times. Not enough if you ask me.

Anyway, I wish him a Happy Birthday, Good Health and Long Life! (for me too) 


Sunday, January 29, 2023


I love watching Jeopardy on tv. It never sees to amaze me how smart some people are. As soon as the question is read, they already know the answer regardless of the subject. I am still trying to figure out the question and they are already responding to it.

I think it would be fair if the runner ups would get the money they earned during the game and not $2,000 and $1,000 for second and third place. The show is extremely popular, and I am sure it is making money. So, why save on the contestants? Wheel of Fortune pays whatever the contestants earned or $1,000 minimum if nothing was earned.

I wish I could absorb all the smart answers I hear during Jeopardy but that is just not possible. Maybe the current host Ken Jennings can absorb most of it if he doesn't already know it. But I am sure he would know all the answers.

The other side of this is that sometimes they have a Celebrity Jeopardy where as the title says celebrities are invited who play for charities. Now it is frightening how dumb some of these people are. They do not know the answers to basic questions, and they laugh it off thinking it is funny to be stupid. It seems that if they don't have script they just can not function.

This just proves that in this country even the stupid can succeed. 

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Winter Recess

I know that I missed a few weeks of not writing. It is very easy to decide to take a little time off, but it is more difficult to go back and restart things. Doing nothing feels good. Abigail has her winter recess and I kind of picked up her not doing anything also. 

Christmas came and went. New Year came and went. Nothing spectacular happened, they just occurred. Christmas/Hannukah was quietly celebrated while New Year's Eve was a little more "boisterous". Boisterous meant we all had a couple glasses of champagne then at about 2am we went to sleep.

Boy, how things change. I remember way back we went home after a good New Year's Eve party and the sun was already coming up. But that was then, and this is now. But it was not just us. I checked with my friends (similar ages) and they all had the same finish to the old year. Some didn't even wait for the ball to drop but went to sleep earlier. I sked him if he went to sleep earlier how could he be sure that the New Year did come in? He said he was pretty sure it did.

Dumm question, right?

Friday, January 27, 2023


Nueva York means New York in Spanish. For reasons unknown to me Spanish speaking people decided to translate the name of the city to Spanish. This is just plain idiotic. Nobody translates a city name. They might alter it but never translate it.

What if the Englis speakers decide to translate the Spanis names to English?

Puerto Rico to Rich Port                                                                                                                                    San Juan of Puerto Rico to Saint John of Rich Port                                                                                          Buenos Aires to Good Air                                                                                                                                  Los Angeles to The Angels                                                                                                                              Ecuador to the Equator                                                                                                                                      El Paso, Texas to The Pass                                                                                                                                Las Vegas to The Meadows

And the list can go on and on.  


Thursday, January 26, 2023


This recent Speaker thing in Washington provided better entertainment than any current tv show. I don't believe (or maybe I do) that these politicians feel no remorse by putting on such a circus. This just proves that every single one of them is in this for their own interests. They want the power and the future financial benefits their office will bring.

To have a small number of representatives the power to hold up the works of the United States House of Representatives is unconscionable. In essence to stop the works of the government of this country is against the people they supposed to represent. This is what un-American is. Every single one of them is hiding behind the term "the American People". They use that as their "condom" in doing it to this country.

This just shows how crooked every one of them is. They sell their votes for what they can get for it. The only example they can show to the world is in the art of "ass kissing". They are doing it in bigtime to their leaders to show how loyal they are. 

This idiot New York representative who got elected based on lies and misinformation is the perfect example of this sick system. It proves that they have no morals. The republican leadership is so anxious to get the votes that they would not commit themselves against him because he regularly votes the party line. 

Good country, America!   

Wednesday, January 25, 2023


I am totally convinced that today's young and younger people are all idiots. They are all hung up on their telephones and other electronic devises.

In Honolulu, Hawaii police will issue summons to anybody who crosses the street when the lights are red. For this reason, people just stand there waiting for the lights to change. The other thing is that police will issue summonses to anybody who while crossing the street is looking at their telephones. The reason fro this that people have the tendency just to blindly walk into a bus or a truck because they just don't want to let go of that darn telephone.

Abigail is my window to the world. She is the same way. She will not go anywhere or do anything without her phone. If she can not answer a message within five seconds she gets upset. How could these people live in the old days when there was no cell phone?

The other day my wife and I were down in the laundry when a young lady came in. She placed her cell phone on top of the washing machine so she wouldn't lose any seconds from the movie she was watching. She was mesmerized by her movie because she stopped a few times while loading the washing machine to watch her movie.

Anywhere one goes, subway, doctors' waiting rooms, bus people are staring at their phones totally impervious to their surroundings. There could be two headed people walking down a street, but these idiots would not notice them. And if you almost hit one with the car or just bump into one on the sidewalk they get upset.

What this world came to?

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Another one

Two weeks ago, it was my birthday> Happy belated birthday to me! Thank me.

Not long ago I just had one. Actually, it was exactly one year ago. My Mother used to say that after a while people stop counting their birthdays. I think in the ancient days they couldn't count as high as how many birthdays I just had. I figure as long as I am around, I shall keep counting it. Also, I brag about to younger folks.

Actually, I am pretty proud of achieving such an honorable age. In my family I think none of my relatives made it to this age (86).