Thursday, November 30, 2023

Laundry, again

I have to broach this subject again because there is something that needs clearing up. In apartment houses, not in the most recently built ones there are no washers/dryers in the apartments. The reason is that the piping is not sufficient enough for supplying and draining the necessary water. Thu,s there are community laundries in these buildings.

I saw buildings where the laundries are in the basement. One large room with a n umber of machines that operate with money. Some "classier" buildings there are laundry rooms on each floor for the use of those residents. I think there might be a City code that makes the laundry rooms mandatory.

The machines are usually owned by an outside contractor, and he pays a percentage to the landlord. Not a bad deal. The people who live above us, two lesbian women, have washing machine though they are denying it. We can hear it going in their bathroom between 3-5 in the morning. We complained several times, but I guess our landlord likes gays because nothing happened so far.

Maybe when I grow up and become rich I will have my own washer and dryer. In America everybody must dream

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Skating, again

Like I said before I love to watch people skating at the Bryant Park rink. I watch them and think back eons ago when I used to do it, too. I watch them and criticize them, in my mind naturally. It is very entertaining, at least for me. I look at the people. their style and their companions.

First are the people who seem to be terrified to be on ice. To skate is to slide on the ice surface. These people do not slide, they take baby steps, takes them almost an hour to get around, they grab the sidewall like their life depends on it. They are also terrified of falling.

Then there are the ones who think they can skate, they do slide but their posture is so unsure, unbalanced that it is very funny. They look like they are drunk because they appear very uncontrolled. But still, they seem to like skating.

Then there are the "masters of ice". These are the ones who know how to skate, like to skate and they are home on ice. Some of them skate gracefully some of them are the showoffs. The graceful skaters are nice to watch. Some just go around without much hullabaloo, while others do nice turns or moves while skating. The showoffs go fast, weaving in and out of the crowd, when there is a crowd. They just want to show how good they are and want people to envy them. 

I think my friend and I belonged to the "masters of ice" category. We were skating for a good many years and felt pretty comfortable on the ice. We were graceful skaters, nothing wild except knocking over a few girls hoping they fall in love with us.

Now, I can just sit front of the tv screen and think back for those good old days.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Ice skating

 When I was in my teens and lived in Budapest, I loved to go ice skating. Budapest was not known for its very cold temperatures and there were not too many natural ice places there. But there was and still is an outdoor ice skating rink where they made artificial ice. Remember back then over there it was a big thing.

This rink was not far from where I lived so naturally, I started to go there. I had (still have) a very good childhood friend who also loved skating and lived very close to me. So, every afternoon, after finishing our homeworks we met up and went out to skate. At first, we bought daily tickets, then weekly passes eventually graduated to season passes. We also rented lockers and this way there was no need to lug our skates on the street. We were so cool!

The Bryant Park skating ring is 17,000 square feet while the one in Budapest is 108,500. Slightly larger. They used to have hockey games there and we still had room to skate around.

This was a very normal and healthy way to spend our time.  We usually stayed for hours many time until closing. Then we took the Old Metro home, and the day was done. No smoking, no drinking just fresh and healthy way to spend our time.

The only preoccupation we had was to meet girls. We were convinced that if we bumped into a cute girl, knocked her over she would immediately fall in love with one of us. I don't understand what was wrong with those girls because this never ever happened. We always went home solo. But aside from that we always had a good time.

Now why am I writing this? There is a park called Bryan Park in the heart of Manhattan where every winter they turn the center grass to a large ice skating rink using artificial ice, naturally! This skating ring can be found on You Tube and it is on live. I just love to watch people going around and around. So I sit front of the tv and watch this for ever. While in Budapest we were able to skate for hours, here the time is limited to one hour only and reservations are necessary.

This way no overcrowding and also every hour they refresh the ice by resurfacing it. That never happened in my time. They only did it during the night after closing. By watching it I am daydreaming, thinking back the old days. And how long ago that was.

I know this might be a boring reading, but I am sure that there is that one person out there who will understand me! And he knows who that is, right? 


Monday, November 27, 2023

Sunday, November 26, 2023


Couple of weeks ago there was the recent Republican Presidential debate between the four remaining hopefuls. These people are still living in a dreamworld by hoping and expecting to win the nomination and after that the election. 

Anyway, they were all promising all if they get to the Whitehouse. This is very normal. Politicians promise heaven then when theu win they deliver nothing. This is what they taught in political science. And all learned very well.

Well, here is the irony that nobody paid any attention to except yours truly. Here is the proof that money talks and the caravan walks as the saying goes. The proof that all these politicians have big businesses backing them otherwise they could not function. And with backing come the commitment. As the old saying goes: remember where your loyalties are, and who is paying for them!

Anyhoo, there was long discussion about the website named Tik Tok. As I understand it it is a Chinese owned video hosting service and its purpose is to undermine the minds of the people who are using it. The discussion ranged between limiting it or totally banning it in this country. Each candidate had its own opinion about it keeping in mind that it is extremely popular worldwide.

Now, here is the irony. Every time the debate broke for a commercial, because the tv company must also make money, the first advertiser that came on was Tik Tok. I rest my case!  

Debate and Tik Tok

Saturday, November 25, 2023


It appears from the newscasts (questionable at best) that Israel and the terrorists agreed to a four day truce during which time they will release 50 hostages. Bad deal in my opinion. 50 is just a drop in the bucket. What about the other 150 or more? What will guarantee their safety? I am sure they will use them as a bargaining block for further releases. What, 50 at a time? This is a joke! It should have been all or nothing.

The other thing is that stopping military activities for four days just gives the terrorist more time to disappear, to blend in the throng of refugees and very likely find their ways to this and other western countries. I find it peculiar that with the discovery of all those tunnels and hiding places Israel did not find a single terrorist and could not find where the hostages are being kept. All they ever found was empty, littered tunnels and rooms below ground.

I think their security services are missing out on a lot of important information. This is my opinion and based on what I hear in the media. Granted, they don't tell us everything for reasons of security and that is understandable but still...

Anyway, I am happy for the families of those 50 people that will go home and at the same time sad for the remaining ones who can not yet enjoy freedom.

Friday, November 24, 2023


Years ago, on Thanksgiving Day NBC always broadcasted the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade from New York. CBS on the other hand showed a parade from Philadelphia by Gimbels department store along with a parade from Honolulu and Toronto. 

As time went by the Gimbels department store went out of business and there were no more Philadelphia parades, at least not on TV. Since Honolulu is six hours behind East Coast time that was some kind of a canned event and that did not happen any longer. Since Canada celebrates its Thanksgiving in October on the same day US observes Columbus Day, that thing was not real anyway, so it was no great loss not seeing it. What remained for CBS is to show the Macy's parade.

The difference between the two presentations is that NBC is showing it from Herald Square, right front of Macy's while CBS is stationed somewhere further up along the route. The NBC's is more theatrical while CBS' is more realistic. Regardless, I still like to watch them. It culminates exactly at noon with Santa Claus coming in on top of a large float and then the official Christmas season begins.

In New York and primarily in Manhattan most street corners and front of supermarket Christmas tree vendors set up shop. These people drive down from Canada and New England with a truckload of natural Christmas trees and hope to sell them by Christmas Eve. And most are lucky enough. These people stay with the trees 24/7, sleep in their cars. Not an easy life but I guess it is worth it.

Lot of families set up their trees about this time but the way I see it the natural trees will surely dry out by Christmas. But I am not a Christmas tree expert. That is one of the very few things I am not an expert of.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

What if...

We are living in a world of what ifs. We as humans are always preoccupied with what if. We are never sure of the steps we took are the right ones. What if I took the other job instead of this one, what if I turned on the other road instead of this one, what if I married that other person instead the one I did... This is a never ending list of insecurities.

What if Trump were the president. What would the world look today. Whatever I will write here is my own personal opinion without any outside pressure, and it is purely hypothetical but to the point that I am convinced about it.

I am not a Democrat or Republican. Just because I believe in Trump does not make me a Republican What I believe in is that the right person for the right job! And at this time Trump is the best person for that job. I don't care about outside endorsements, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post or New York Time endorsements or UAW endorsements. It is my vote and I vote whatever way I like to. 

Now let's look at the what if Trump were the president. First there would be no Ukraine war for sure and I am pretty sure The Israeli war would not have happened. During his four year term there were no wars at all. I know that there are some businesses that profit from wars but just to have wars because it is good for business is immoral and stupid. But isn't that the slogan of big business, immoral and stupid? Trump was instrumental in forging the good relationships between Israel and several Muslim countries. Biden's achievement is that he destroyed all that.

The economy would be in a much better shape. The Wall would be built and that would have stopped the over 3 million illegals entering this country and diluting the job market and creating criminal atmosphere all over. Not mentioning the danger of all the terrorists that are illegally entering. Trump also distributed money to the tax paying American people at least twice during his presidency rather than sending it to Ukraine. He very likely would have played middleman between Ukraine and Russia. He had no financial interest in Ukraine not like some others who shall remain nameless.

So, today it is the day of Thanksgiving. Let's see what we have to be thankful for.                                    War in Israel against terrorists. Thousands of people dead on both sides.                                                    War in Ukraine. Thousands of people dead and displaced.                                                                          China is threatening to attack Taiwan.                                                                                                          Norths Korea is threatening to attack whoever.                                                                                            Iran is threatening to attack Israel and attacking American bases in the area.                                              Gasoline prices are high and going up.                                                                                                        The economy is not healthy at all.                                                                                                                  Illegals are pouring through the borders and very likely bringing terrorists along.                                      We have president who is 81 years old and failing but clinging on to power.

Now, this is a short list of what we have to be thankful for. Don't forget when you are saying your prayers at the Thanksgiving table to mention these.

Have a nice and safe Thanksgiving.

Nice country America!                               

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Tuesday, November 21, 2023


There was a country called Ukraine. Up to a few months ago it was a very popular country. There was no newscast that did not have a segment about the war and its scars there. There were demonstrations against the Russian invasion, there were collections for the displaced people. It was so much that it got to the point that people started to get fed up with that aimless war. People realized that nobody was reporting the truth! What was reported was massaged for mass consumption. 

Even politicians started to have enough of all the money Biden was sending there and that resulted in negative votes when the question of more aid came up. Then October 7, 2023 happened. Hamas attacked Israel and that took center stage at least in the American media. Every tv station sent its reporters there in order to provide live broadcast. I admit it was interesting and sad at the same time. To see what those terrorists did to the innocent people was heartbreaking. 

And with that Ukraine almost disappeared from the main stage. It took back seat in the list of newsworthy items. Good old Biden is still pushing for more aid, but Congress is not very receptive to it. And the same situation appears in the halls of the European Union. They want to send billions of Euros to Ukraine as aid but several member countries are against it. Their issue is that by sending all that money, the European Union will want the member countries to repay it to their coffer.

EU members also believe that by providing more aid and EU membership will eventually bring the war into Europe. And that nobody wants. So, what is there to do? Maybe Mr. Z and Mr. P can come to mutually agreeable terms to end that fiasco. If the major powers like the US and Soros can decide that this is enough, then it will be over.

If Mr. Trump had been the president the billions Biden sent over would have stayed here, home and helped the American people. It seems that this administration cares more about the Ukrainian people than the American people. 

Sunday, November 19, 2023


In this country there are 168.42 million registered voters. Various polls ask a few thousand people at best and make their determination about politics, presidential candidates and whatever they are interested in. Then publish it and make us all believe that their polls reflect the feeling of the entire country. Baloney is my comment.

But let's just go down this route. Columbia University, University of Pennsylvania, and today Cooper Union all came out with antisemitic feelings. Now, if these three so called respectable institutions of higher learning foster such sentiments, then it can be said that the entire country harbors such thing. What do they teach the young people that they air such feelings? Or are they picking it up at home within the warm family environment? Either case is very sad and there is something definitely wrong with the education system.

Will the swastika come out to the open, again? Will these people adopt the nazi teaching about eliminating the Jews? All I can say is good luck! That will never happen again, and I bet my life on it. The young people can jump up and down and scream all they want but today's Jews are not the same of the 1940s. They will not let such atrocities happen again. We all learned the hard way and NEVER AGAIN is our motto for the future.

Decent Americans don't stand next to these zealous young people. They just want to live their life in peace and quiet. Go to work, go to vacations, pay their mortgages, buy luxuries and just live. And we all have the right to do that. No screaming pro-Palestine or pro-Israeli students will ever change that. The problems these demonstrations can cause are directly connected to the future of these young people.

University alumni can withdraw their financial supports from the institutions. The more vocal student can be singled out and upon graduation (?) might find their employment opportunities much reduced. They just want to scream.

Nice country America!

Saturday, November 18, 2023


Collage pranks are ok if they are done within treason, without causing bodily harm. They are very probably tasteless and for us older folk stupid. The saying that "boys will be boys" only goes so far. It does not excuse tasteless, mindless and many times vicious acts.

Into the last category falls the University of Pennsylvania. There are about 200 hostages kept by Hamas somewhere in Palestine. Pictures and names of these hostages are placed on lampposts, walls and other surfaces. Someplaces idiots were ripping them off for no particular reason or just for hate.

This university allowed students to place similar placard on park benches showing the picture of a cow with the title "Cow Missing". Now, this is either stupid or vindictive. What type of an administration this institute has to allow such behavior? Or maybe they sympathize with these people? 

I believe today's young people don't know what to believe. One thing they believe in and that is chaos. If the future of this country is in their hands, I feel sorry for America. We are living in sad and dangerous times. The good thing about being at an advanced age is that I will probably not be around to see the outcome. But I feel sorry for the ones who will. 

Friday, November 17, 2023


Tuesday there was a major pro-Israeli demonstration in Washington DC. They said tens of thousands of Jews showed up and I think it was less than what expected. Sadly, any pro Palestine demonstration draws larger crowds. In Paris as I heard, 100,000 people marched for Palestine. Maybe the Paris one was over the weekend, while the Washington one was on a weekday.

I always wondered what kind of people will go these demonstrations, regardless of the reason when such event is being held during the week? When I worked, I only got five sick days and two week vacations and I wouldn't have wasted any on a useless demonstration. So, the participants are either retired or unemployed or professional demonstrators who do not care about the cause they just like crowds.

Also, I do not believe demonstrators achieve anything just by screaming, waving flags and signs and singing. They give a platform for politicians to show that they The 1956 Hungarian revolution started as a demonstration but ended in overthrowing the then current government. But having demonstrations thousands of miles away never have any desired results. It only makes the participants feel better, that they did their duty.

Another thing. I find it totally tasteless that they brought to the US from Israel some relatives of the people Hamas is holding hostage. What was the purpose, what did the organizers hope to achieve? These people should stay in Israel, nearby the action instead traveling thousands of miles away. This is nothing but a public relation campaign that will definitely not sway the Hamas either way. At least I don't think so.

So, this is in short my opinion of the affairs today.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Skin 2

Happy to say that I am alive. The procedure went well, and it was better than I expected it. They took one sample from each of the locations and after an hour I was told that there was no further need for any more samples. Thankfully not because it was so bad that there was nothing they could do about it but because the macroscopic examination found the bottom part of the samples cancer clean.

Afterwards they stitched up the two locations and told me to come back in two weeks for a checkup and then I was sent on my way. This is amazing once I think about it. They cut two quarter size holes in my leg to get the skin samples. They placed an artificial skin growth thing in each wound and said that by tomorrow night I can shower with this.

The amazing thing is how fast skin can heal when a procedure is done right. The doctor who did this is a Mohs specialist. That is all what he does days in and days out on all parts of a human body. It seems that he is not lacking for patients because he was booked for the entire day and for all near future days. I guess lots of people have skin problems and this particular procedure is a good way to prevent skin cancer from spreading.

I got so many injections that I felt absolutely nothing throughout the entire thing. As a matter of fact, now about six hours later I still feel nothing. As usual the only painful thing is the first few injections then nothing. I know as time flies, I will have more such procedures and just for that I didn't say goodbye to the doctor, I said I'll see you later!

Wednesday, November 15, 2023


My building has a laundry room with five washing machines and four dryers. These machine work with a money card. You put money on the cars, then inserted into the machine and work starts. The washer works at $3.00 for 26 minutes while the dryers work a $2.50 for 36 minutes. The basic rule is that everybody supposed to watch the time and remove the clean laundry when the machines finish their operation.

It is very inconvenient if someone is so absentminded that forgets to come to the laundry room and take out the finished stuff. But if somebody who just don't feel like waiting too long takes it out they get insulted. Crazy, inconsiderate people. Unfortunately, this building has too many of that kind. They just get too busy pushing their telephones to remember the laundry.

So, the other day we were doing our bi-weekly laundry, and all went well. Three out of the four driers were free, one still running with a few minutes left. Miraculously, about two minutes after it stopped a man came down and emptied it. I complimented him that he is one of the few who comes down on time. He appreciated my compliment and we started to talk. He was about middle age, but we had a great understanding about today's younger people. 

We exchanged opinions about what goes on in the world, how today's younger generation can not live without the internet or cell phone, how an immediate response is absolutely necessary when one gets a message or email. We both understood that these people can not imagine how we were able to survive without these electronic wonders.

I am much older than he was yet, we both came to the same conclusions about today's "youths".   

Tuesday, November 14, 2023


There is a microscopically controlled surgery used to treat both common and rare types of skin cancers. This procedure is called Mohs surgery. Unfortunate and fortunately I am familiar with this because I had several such procedures on my face, hand, and leg.

Unfortunately, because I need to have them and fortunately because every procedure cleaned out the presence of cancer. The procedure entails of the removal very thin layers of skin, have them examined under microscope and continue this "slicing" until the specimen is free from any trace of cancer. Sometimes the surgeon takes very few - one or two - cuts, sometimes several but in my case all procedures were pretty simple.

I really have bad skin. I always had but many decades of intense sunbathing did not help. Most of the time the dermatologist's comments were that the causes were caused by the sun. These problems started to surface a few years ago and since then I stayed away from the sun. I am not sorry that I love and loved the sun because in previous years I did enjoy my times in the water or just out on the beaches. I say, it was worth it.

Why am I mentioning this? Because I went to the dermatologist a week ago, she took two biopsies from my leg and found both not kosher. I should have taken Latin because the test results were written such a way that only a doctor or Latin major could understand it. Anyway, the doctor called me and explained it in English. This Tuesday I have the appointment with the specialist to perform the Mohs on my leg.

This will be about the third procedure on the same leg, same area and that bothers me. Why always that leg? My Mom had bone cancer and it was not very pretty. My doctor assured me that I shouldn't worry because this is not the type that spreads, it is very local and not close to the bone. For crying out loud, it is on my shin where after the skin there is the bone without any lining in between.

I hope for the best, I know this surgeon, he did most of my procedures and he is very good. I have faith in him. Actually, I always have faith in the doctors. Never ever question them. I'm sure I will live through this one, too. 

Sunday, November 12, 2023


A little bit more about Ukraine. It was on a European news station that the son of George Soros recently (I think this week) visited Ukraine. Soros being old, 93 years old handed over the helm of his business to one of his sons. This son was the visitor in Kyiv (Kiev). I found this visit very interesting.

Sonny admitted that they are financing a whole lot of what is happening there. He also noted that it is not in their interest to have this fiasco to end very soon. He made a very interesting statement, he said that they are aware of the fact that the leadership of Ukraine is very corrupt. But he went a little further by saying that in Ukraine not just the leadership is corrupt, corruption is reaching all the way through the population. He hinted that that way they (Soros) have the way to keep controlling the events. 

European Union wants to start talk about Ukraine's membership. Hungary is objecting by saying that they do not support this move. One reason is if Ukraine is admitted the war will reach into Europe, their other reasoning is the widespread corruption in that country. Now, this stuff is not publicized on this side of the ocean, even though there are several members of the US Congress who are against any further aid to that country.

Bide is pushing for more money, maybe because he believes he owes them out of gratitude. How come that money is not being spent on this country's borders? 

Saturday, November 11, 2023


Years ago, I had a friend in Hungary who worked for the official, government controlled central and only one news organization. The time was after the 1956 revolution with the Soviet backed government in place. This friend was pretty much in sync with the regime. For a while her job entailed reading all the news information coming in through the wires from all over the world and decide which item could be published to the public. In short, she was censoring what the everyday citizens could read in the papers.

Only bad and detrimental items were allowed to be publicized, nothing nice. They wanted people to believe that they lived in a socialist paradise and out in the cold west it was just plain bad. So, while she was very well informed about the going ons in the world she could not let the public in on those things.

Now, I am convinced that such censorship exists here in the land of the free. We only see one sided stories in the media, both electronic and printed. However, thanks to the Internet things can not be kept quiet very long. By watching newscasts from other countries, we can see and hear news items that are not shown here in the US. Either because American media companies don't think they are newsworthy or because of mandatory or self imposed censorship.

It is never a good thing to keep the truth from the people. Eventually they will find out the truth and that is when all hell breaks loose. That is when accountability comes up, questions will be asked. 

Good country America? 

Friday, November 10, 2023


Antisemitism is a sorry excuse for hate. It is about as bad as hating blacks just because one hates black color. It makes no sense at all. Small minded people are looking for things to hate like a race, a religion or anything else that is hateable.

Right now, it is the State of Israel and Jews. Ok, Israel is a Jewish state and being Jewish is a religion just like Islam, or Christianity. People who sympathize with Palestine demonstrate on their side and obviously against Israel. In my opinion any Palestinian has the right to demonstrate for their own people. But what irks me is when I see non-Palestinians doing the same. Screaming against Israel.

These are the small minded people I talk about. They are just looking to hate somebody, regardless of who it is. And antisemitism is a perfect subject for their hate. There was really no reason to chase all Jews out of Spain and Portugal in the Middle Ages. It was just jealousy. That same feeling is still around. 

All non Muslims forget that in the unlikely event that Muslims get to power they will exterminate not just the Jews but everybody else who is not Muslim! 

There are many countries where open antisemitism is against the law. This country is hiding behind its constitution, the freedom of speech. Very sad. Collages are the breeding grounds for such and any other "revolutionary" sentiments. It is upsetting that some educational institutions do not condemn these feelings before they grow out of proportions. Today there was something in the news to the fact that the federal government might stop federal money to universities, colleges that do nothing to stop this idiotic rage.

In early 20th century in Hungary, small European country, universities were the breeding ground for antisemitism. That eventually led that country's sick alliance with Nazi Germany which ended tragically for all.

I know that young people make up their own minds, they are opinionated and demanding. I learned this in my own house so making the parents responsible is useless. They adamantly believe that they have the answer to all the world's problems. I think the answer to that is to let them know that their future life might be affected with this kind of behavior. Employers might hesitate to employ people who openly harbor antisemitic and anti Israel feelings. That kind of thing is not part of this society.

Unfortunately, the media is more occupied with the Palestinian casualties that with the Israeli casualties. There is a war going on now, and wars always have casualties. The media must understand this. But they shamelessly go where the stories are regardless of their moral values and that is how they stir up this frenzy of hate. 

Thursday, November 9, 2023


I mentioned before that by listening other than American newscasts one can get more information about the world. I do that and lots of interesting things show up that we usually do not hear about. And one  them is that Europe is practically being attacked by the immigrants who want to force their way into European countries.

Hungary on the south is bordered by Serbia. Serbia is facing the Mediterranean Sea. Immigrants by the thousands arrive and trying to force their way into European Union countries. By forcing I do mean forcing. The border between Hungary and Serbia is closed by wire fences and walls. These people climb the walls, cut the barbed wire fences and try every forceful means to get through. Serbia ordered troops to the border because the border police was shot upon already, as were the authorities on the Hungarian side.

At one raid in the woods the Serbians found a large cache of weapons and ammunitions. Now, do these look like innocent immigrants who just want to have a better life? Looking at it closely it can be seen that the majority of these immigrants are young men of military age. It is obvious that they come with an agenda. The question is what is their agenda? I mean it is not too difficult to figure out what the agenda is, the prevailing question is what about the schedule?

And the similar conditions are in other countries in Europe. They overwhelm cities, villages. crime is everywhere. Residents are afraid to go out on the streets. And the European Union doesn't take all these into account. They insist to come up with a quota establishing how many of these immigrants each of the members should accept. Well, many countries, primarily in Eastern Europe, including Hungary already announced that they would accept none. They are closing their borders and would not admit any of these people. Maybe they have the right idea, maybe all countries should act this way.

What kind of an attitude is that they are forcing their ways into countries who already showed that they would not welcome such intrusion? That is like someone coming through my door, uninvited, sit at the dinner table and DEMAND dinner.  

Wednesday, November 8, 2023


I came to this country as a refugee, an immigrant. I came with papers, all legal. So maybe it is not fair that I criticize the people who want to immigrate to this country, but doing it legally and having a plan for the future or doing it illegally without any real plan is a big difference. Every day the news programs show the conditions at the southern border and the conditions of these illegals' in the cities.

I can't imagine what these people think they will achieve here. Do they have any educations? Probably not. Do they have any trade? Probably not. Do thet have a real picture of the conditions here? Probably not. So, what is their plan? To live on public assistance? Nobody is going to hire them if they don't know anything and don't speak the language.

New York City has areas where illegals who came to this country a while back gather and offer their services as day laborers. There is a large number of these people, they don't need an influx of the newcomers. It is hard enough to make a living by standing on streetcorners and wait for an offer for a day job. They can not regular jobs because they just don't have papers. Most of their families are back in their old countries and money is being sent home to help them out.

Now the other problem and what nobody is talking about, at least not in the open is that the majority of the illegals trying to get in here through the South are young, healthy looking men. How come these young and strong men can not make living in their home country or as a matter of fact in any other neighboring country? What is the charm of the US? Dollar bills are not hanging from the trees, free money is not easy to come by, jobs are not waiting on every corner.

Do the authorities know who are terrorists and wo are not? With the humongous numbers they let through, terrorists are slipping in easily. And that is very scary. And the government is not doing anything to control this flow of humanity, Congress does nothing just argue and play politics. When do they plan to act, when it is too late? This country, the government, Congress are great on hindsight. The could have and should have and never will.. is what is heard most often.

This is a hell of a way to live is all I can say.


Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Winds of War

The winds of war are beginning to blow. This is something none of us ever believed to see again. The us in the previous sentence are the ones who already lived through a world war. I don't think there are too many of us of that generation, but some are still here. And the memories of a war of yesteryear is still with us. The problem of this country is that they never had a war in their world with the exception of the Civil War which was eons ago and they can not even remotely imagine what it feels like.

Americans have no conception what a war is like. What is it to wake up in the middle of the night to the sounds of sirens warning of enemy bombers coming and running down to the basement to find safety in a bunker. What is it to hear bombs falling nearby and pray that your building would not get hit and if it does it would not fall down on you. They don't know what it is to see enemy soldiers going down your street with guns and hope that you will survive this. 

All they see is from tv, from the reporters who get high on reporting from frontlines. It takes a certain type of reporters to become war correspondent. And all what the people here know is through the eyes of these frontline correspondents. Since 1945 I think this is the closest that we are to another all-encompassing war. Ukraine, Israel/Palestine, North Korea, China are enough to light the fuse.

The sad and scary thing is that now there is open talk about the possibility of a war. And that war will not be fought in the trenches in the traditional way. A few days ago, I read a comment from a high-ranking Russian somebody, I don't remember who and he said that in case of a war they can take care of all the NATO countries in about 30 minutes. Now, how does this sound? Does a statement like this gives enough reason to run and hide? But where?

This universal saber rattling or ominous quiet is very, very scary. There are powers with their fingers on the button and threatening everybody around. They all realize that any damage they might cause is reciprocal, but it doesn't seem to phaze them. Just like Hamas. The damage they are causing to their own people, and the total destruction of their own homes doesn't seem to make them feel anything. The fact that they cause the deaths of thousands of their own people is not a deterrent. And that is the way North Korea, Russia and China feels.

While people in Europe live in fear and anxiety about the world events, people in this country have their heads stuck in sand. As long as the supermarket shelves are stacked, there is gas at the gas stations, and the favorite tv shows come on all is well. And I pray to God that these attitudes never change!

Monday, November 6, 2023


In New York it is Marathon Sunday, so I am taking marathon rest. 

Sunday, November 5, 2023


Time is flying bye. It is scary but at the same time it is also very enlightening. When I started the second part of this blog in 2016, Abigail was a little girl, I think just starting high school. amsNow she is almost graduating from college. This Spring she is starting her last semester, graduating in June, then continue on to a higher degree.

Reading the 2016 blog she was adamant about becoming a chef. Eventually opening her own restaurant and becoming rich and famous. Well, dreams sometimes just remain dreams. Today's reality is now a different story.  

Now she is into chemistry, organic chemistry and her goal is to major in toxicology. Not an easy subject, not an easy field but she likes it and she is pretty good at it. This is a long way from being a chef! Chemistry was always a black hole for me. I never understood it and thankfully in my curriculums it never was a major subject. So, when she is talking about it at home, I just nod because I have no clue about it at all.

But honestly, I wish her all the best and all the success in this field. I don't even know what kind of employment will be available in this field, private or government jobs? But it doesn't matter because if she is good, she will certainly find something worthwhile. As long as it is is in New York because she is adamant about living in New York.

According to Abigail it is New York or nothing. There is just no plan B. But since there was a change from chef to scientist there might just be a plan B.

Saturday, November 4, 2023


Sadly, antisemitism is raising its ugly head again. Not that it was not ever around, but not really in the open. Now it is becoming almost stylish to be an antisemite. Celebrities, colleges are voicing their comments in the open. The Palestinian people are now the martyrs and the Israelis along with all the Jews in the world are the devil. Even the printed and electronic media reflects those sentiments by showing nothing else but the bombed out areas in Gaza and the crying Palestinians.

Here is a question: 75 years after Israel was established, why is there a refugee camp in Gaza? What were they escaping from? 75 years is about three generations, how come these people never found a permanent place to live in? Three generations could have raised doctors, lawyers, engineers and other useful professionals and not professional refugees. Or they are still waiting for the eventual fall of Israel? Because if that they have a long wait ahead of them.

I believe other Arab countries are not very enamored with Palestinians and that is why they just don't want to give them a new home. It is a lot easier to keep stoking a dying fire than admit thousands of unwanted immigrants who might have a negative effect on the current lifestyle.

This whole scenario is a perfect chance for those who harbor antisemitic feelings to come forward and voice them. Many places allow this by hiding behind freedom of the speech, but there are countries where this is forbidden and against the law. Unfortunately, in this country a lot of things are permitted by hiding behind the constitution. What this country lacks is a major backbone!

I lived through the Holocaust, and you can imagine how I feel by seeing those buildings in Paris painted with the Star of David. The building I lived in in Budapest was designated as a Jewish building and whenever the Hungarian Nazis were looking for Jews they always knew where to find them. Thank God we survived. 

All those idiots at Columbia University and Cornell University and other places who demonstrate primarily for Palestine and against Israel should instead demonstrate for peace. That would be a good demonstration. 

Friday, November 3, 2023


Abigail is a grown girl                                                                                                                                      She has her opinions and comments                                                                                                                  College gave her knowledge and thirst                                                                                                            For what's out there in the world

She thinks she knows everything                                                                                                                      And what she doesn't it's not missed                                                                                                                  She is stubborn and opinionated                                                                                                                      Demanding and fascinated  

Her choices in food are queer                                                                                                                          Korean are not at the rear                                                                                                                                  Thai and Hispanic she likes                                                                                                                              Hungarian is also fine

She orders her mom to cook                                                                                                                              From a list of her favorite food                                                                                                                          Some are good some are so                                                                                                                          But mom will make it go                                                                                                                                  

Thursday, November 2, 2023

More Poems

US Congress is a joke                                                                                                                                  Filled up with useless bloke(s)                                                                                                                    They make believe they're important                                                                                                            Can't decide on anything 'cause they're discordant

The prez in the White House sits on his throne                                                                                            Next time he flies Air Force 1 will be a drone                                                                                              He'll walk down the steps and hopes for the best                                                                                          At the bottom he asks why am I here, in jest                                                                            


I kicked my dog accidentally                                                                                                                        He looked at me questioningly                                                                                                                      Almost asked me why did I do it                                                                                                                  I felt bad but couldn't admit it 

He is the best friend one can ask for                                                                                                              Honest and loving and there is more                                                                                                            Holds no grudge and what all he wants                                                                                                        Is that we love him back just as much                                                                                                               


Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Truth in Media

In the Stalinist days there was a very strong censorship, locking out any news from the West unless it was really bad news. No internet, radio reception of foreign stations was forbidden. We all really lived in a dumb and happy vacuum. The forbidden fruit at the time were Voice of America and Radio Free Europe. Some people listened to these radio broadcasts and that was how news spread.

The problem at the time was that lots of their news was more propaganda and fake news. But we were still happy to hear them. Today's news reminds me of those old times. It is totally one sided as far as Ukraine is concerned. They do not publish the real news! One must listen to news from other countries in order to realize what really is happening.

European news reflect that many European countries are no longer in love with Mr. Z and his country. His constant begging for money and help is becoming very tiresome. There were claims that he already sold weapons he got from the US to America's enemies. These European newscasts openly criticize how crooked the upper echelon is over there. They also list the expensive homes the Ukrainian leadership owns outside their country while the population is being bombed out of their homes.

Interesting fact in the European news: as far back as March 2022 there was a peace agreement between Ukraine and Russia but the US did not like it and it went away. How many people died since then just because America didn't want peace? They are mum on this subject on this side of the ocean.

And we have a free press?  Good country America!