Sunday, November 12, 2023


A little bit more about Ukraine. It was on a European news station that the son of George Soros recently (I think this week) visited Ukraine. Soros being old, 93 years old handed over the helm of his business to one of his sons. This son was the visitor in Kyiv (Kiev). I found this visit very interesting.

Sonny admitted that they are financing a whole lot of what is happening there. He also noted that it is not in their interest to have this fiasco to end very soon. He made a very interesting statement, he said that they are aware of the fact that the leadership of Ukraine is very corrupt. But he went a little further by saying that in Ukraine not just the leadership is corrupt, corruption is reaching all the way through the population. He hinted that that way they (Soros) have the way to keep controlling the events. 

European Union wants to start talk about Ukraine's membership. Hungary is objecting by saying that they do not support this move. One reason is if Ukraine is admitted the war will reach into Europe, their other reasoning is the widespread corruption in that country. Now, this stuff is not publicized on this side of the ocean, even though there are several members of the US Congress who are against any further aid to that country.

Bide is pushing for more money, maybe because he believes he owes them out of gratitude. How come that money is not being spent on this country's borders? 

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