Thursday, November 23, 2023

What if...

We are living in a world of what ifs. We as humans are always preoccupied with what if. We are never sure of the steps we took are the right ones. What if I took the other job instead of this one, what if I turned on the other road instead of this one, what if I married that other person instead the one I did... This is a never ending list of insecurities.

What if Trump were the president. What would the world look today. Whatever I will write here is my own personal opinion without any outside pressure, and it is purely hypothetical but to the point that I am convinced about it.

I am not a Democrat or Republican. Just because I believe in Trump does not make me a Republican What I believe in is that the right person for the right job! And at this time Trump is the best person for that job. I don't care about outside endorsements, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post or New York Time endorsements or UAW endorsements. It is my vote and I vote whatever way I like to. 

Now let's look at the what if Trump were the president. First there would be no Ukraine war for sure and I am pretty sure The Israeli war would not have happened. During his four year term there were no wars at all. I know that there are some businesses that profit from wars but just to have wars because it is good for business is immoral and stupid. But isn't that the slogan of big business, immoral and stupid? Trump was instrumental in forging the good relationships between Israel and several Muslim countries. Biden's achievement is that he destroyed all that.

The economy would be in a much better shape. The Wall would be built and that would have stopped the over 3 million illegals entering this country and diluting the job market and creating criminal atmosphere all over. Not mentioning the danger of all the terrorists that are illegally entering. Trump also distributed money to the tax paying American people at least twice during his presidency rather than sending it to Ukraine. He very likely would have played middleman between Ukraine and Russia. He had no financial interest in Ukraine not like some others who shall remain nameless.

So, today it is the day of Thanksgiving. Let's see what we have to be thankful for.                                    War in Israel against terrorists. Thousands of people dead on both sides.                                                    War in Ukraine. Thousands of people dead and displaced.                                                                          China is threatening to attack Taiwan.                                                                                                          Norths Korea is threatening to attack whoever.                                                                                            Iran is threatening to attack Israel and attacking American bases in the area.                                              Gasoline prices are high and going up.                                                                                                        The economy is not healthy at all.                                                                                                                  Illegals are pouring through the borders and very likely bringing terrorists along.                                      We have president who is 81 years old and failing but clinging on to power.

Now, this is a short list of what we have to be thankful for. Don't forget when you are saying your prayers at the Thanksgiving table to mention these.

Have a nice and safe Thanksgiving.

Nice country America!                               

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