Sunday, November 19, 2023


In this country there are 168.42 million registered voters. Various polls ask a few thousand people at best and make their determination about politics, presidential candidates and whatever they are interested in. Then publish it and make us all believe that their polls reflect the feeling of the entire country. Baloney is my comment.

But let's just go down this route. Columbia University, University of Pennsylvania, and today Cooper Union all came out with antisemitic feelings. Now, if these three so called respectable institutions of higher learning foster such sentiments, then it can be said that the entire country harbors such thing. What do they teach the young people that they air such feelings? Or are they picking it up at home within the warm family environment? Either case is very sad and there is something definitely wrong with the education system.

Will the swastika come out to the open, again? Will these people adopt the nazi teaching about eliminating the Jews? All I can say is good luck! That will never happen again, and I bet my life on it. The young people can jump up and down and scream all they want but today's Jews are not the same of the 1940s. They will not let such atrocities happen again. We all learned the hard way and NEVER AGAIN is our motto for the future.

Decent Americans don't stand next to these zealous young people. They just want to live their life in peace and quiet. Go to work, go to vacations, pay their mortgages, buy luxuries and just live. And we all have the right to do that. No screaming pro-Palestine or pro-Israeli students will ever change that. The problems these demonstrations can cause are directly connected to the future of these young people.

University alumni can withdraw their financial supports from the institutions. The more vocal student can be singled out and upon graduation (?) might find their employment opportunities much reduced. They just want to scream.

Nice country America!

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