Thursday, October 31, 2019


Not long ago there was a psychiatric conference in Vienna. The purpose of this conference was to determine the mental status of the population of the world. Many fames doctors for all parts of the world made speeches listing their professional experiences.

At the end of this conference all "shrinks" agreed on this: the population of the world or more specifically our Earth is composed of 50% normal and 50% not normal (crazy) people.

The problem as they see is that the the not normal people can camouflage their condition so well that others think they are normal while the normal people act in such a way that it makes everybody think that they are not normal.

These scientific minds also agreed on that fact that the greatest concentration of these people is in Washington, DC.

We are governed by a mix of people who are either normal but acting not normal and people who are not normal but hiding behind looking normal.

Now, what one supposed to do?

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Tuesday's Politicking

Barnum and Bailey circus went out of business. It was a shame because they were the best three ring circus in this country.

We the American people are very lucky that there is a new emerging circus that keeps us entertained. Senate - House of Reps. - White House. Who can ask for better and classier entertainment? They don't have to spend any money for advertising because this circus is getting more media attention (free) than Donald Trump's presidential run did back in 2016.

The ringmaster is Nancy Pelosi with Senator Schumer playing second fiddle in case the old lady gets tired of whipping her whip. All other democrats play the roles of the trained tigers and elephants. What did the tigers do? They snarled a lot but at the end they jumped as commanded. Now, what did the trained elephants do? Stood behind one another (very, very close) on their hind legs. As the old saying goes "never turn your back on an elephant on his hind legs"!

These politicians are foaming at the mouth (maybe they are rabid) about Russian election interference, impeachment and anything else they can find. And good OLD Nancy is snapping her whip to keep everybody in line and the good ole boys do the elephant dance! She also snarls a lot. At her press conferences she snarls so much that her teeth are almost falling out. Now that would be a site!

Nancy was elected to Congress by a small California area which now encompasses San Francisco. No way, no how she represents this country. But she somehow she finagled her way into the leadership. Now that small time politician claims to speak for the entire country. A country she no clue about.

This country did not elect her, her cronies elected her. I realize this is not an easy job. All she has to do is say no to whatever her opposition wants and that is very difficult. One can always find an explanation to one's acts primarily if that one is a politician. It is not an accident that the majority of the politicians are lawyers. They know best how to lie and cheat and get away with it.

Nancy is so full of herself that her personal cult is almost as big as that fat guy's in N. Korea.

Good old Nancy is 79 years old. Why doesn't she go home and start to be a grandmother?

Tuesday, October 29, 2019


Today is mondaine Monday.

Today's major event was that Robin got a haircut. Actually it was a little more than a haircut, it was a full grooming job.
Bath,  trimming, nails. The whole nine yards. It took two and a half hours of work and when we got him back we just didn't recognize him. If it weren't that he jumped on us and was happy to see us we might have mistook him for another dog.

We drink an enormous amount of water in this house. My wife decided that we should buy a water cooler, the one that comes with the 5 gallon bottle. According to Amazon, they have very attractive types, ones that would fit nicely in a home.

I started to call around stores, supermarkets to find out how one can obtain these water bottles. It boggles one's mind how little people who answer the telephones know about what goes on in their stores. Without exception, every person I talked to had to ask somebody else for the answer after I put them the question. I wonder what basis people get assigned to answer the telephone. The stupider they are?

Anyway, we still don't know where we will get the water from. But this is something to keep me busy.

I don't know what happened in the world today but the market went up 132.66 points. Most of the time there is no rhyme or reason behind these moves but as long as it is up it is welcomed.

I think I might have mentioned it earlier that my wife is in love with the Hallmark Channel's movies. This channel show nothing but squeaky clean love stories where the guy gets the girl or the girl gets the guy. In most of these stories the first kiss is about five minutes before the film is ending.

The majority of the movies are filmed in Canada and primarily on the northwest. They show picture book, utopian towns where everybody is always smiling and where the only preoccupation is the harvest festival, Christmas or Valentine's Day.

In most of these stories one of the heroes gives up a well paying city job and career so he or she could move out to the country and raise goats, run an inn, become a farmer or run an eatery.

Never ever the question of money comes into the story. Here everybody live happily ever after.
Now, they are running a Christmas series. Two months before Christmas! We have the TV set on this channel totally oblivious to the outside world and I am ready to climb the walls from all this happiness that they exhibit.

Monday, October 28, 2019


Today is Sunday and as forecasted raining all day. What can a family in times like this do? Stay home and relax. Since I am not working seemingly forever I am so relaxed out that I can go out of my mind.

The "beauty" of having a dog is that no matter what the weather is he has to pee. The difference is that in good weather he pees slowly while in lousy weather he pees fast. Finish it and quickly back to the apartment.

As I mentioned it yesterday, this is a very small, barely nine pounds of a dog. But he is convinced that he is a giant. Barks at everything and if things don't go his way he nips or even bites. I am his favorite target, I have more bites on my hands than I can count. But when he curls up in my lap or snuggles up to me all is forgiven.

My wife takes him down mostly and naturally she is the one he warmed up to. Even though Abigail insists that this is her dog it is in name only. She "delegates" all the dog related chores. We have him now for almost year and it is hard to imagine our life without him.

Week before last we went to the Metropolitan Opera and saw Madama Butterfly. It was a very nice performance, we had good seats and enjoyed it immensely. A little culture never hurts.

Speaking of culture. My poor wife and a friend were forced to go to the movies with Abigail to see a new movie called The Joker. Total disaster! I excused myself and stayed home and read the libretto of Madama Butterfly.

I have a little trouble walking and my wife is taking care of me. The result of it is that I am putting on the pounds. She cooks whatever I desire. Might that be American or Hungarian. For example tonight's dinner consisted of salad and poppyseed noodles. I love this and had two helpings. Might be up all night because of the poppyseed.

A couple of days ago she made the famous Hungarian "langos" for dinner. Only complaint I had that was not enough for me.  I feel sorry for people who don't appreciate this kind of food. The way I see it food wise, there is us and then there is the rest of the world.

Just one more thing. There is this Jewish food called "solet" or cholent. This is slow cooke or baked beans with hardboiled eggs and meat in it. I love it. I could eat enormous portions. There is a kosher restaurant in Budapest that serves about seven different types of this food. Been there a lot!
Anyway, the beauty of this meal is (besides that it gives you gas) that as the days go by it tastes better and better, like stuffed cabbage. On the third day it was just the best.

Here is a little politics.

Recently there were about 22 democratic candidates for the presidency. Each equally unqualified as the next but they kept pushing on. Eventually, at least by now about half dropped out. I guess they realized that their chances were between zero and nil. The remaining ones still keep dreaming and keep spending their donors' money.

This is a very modern country. Unfortunately its thinking is still backward. Until three years ago we had a black president. I don't think there will be one for awhile. We never had a woman president and I don't think we will have one in the near future. We never had a gay president and I don't think we will have on now. We never had a socialist president and I don't think we will elect one.

It is nice to have everything for free as Bernie and Elizabeth promise but as far as I know as long as schools and doctors cost money these things will have to be paid for. From what? These people promise the moon and if elected they will just keep postponing their promises like all other politicians do.

Bottom line is that the opposition can not produce a good, electable candidate, one who can take up the fight against Trump.

Bottom line is that he will likely have a second term.

Fake news.  It didn't rain all day. The sun came out in the afternoon.

Saturday, October 26, 2019


Today is October 27, 2019. My last entry was March 11, 2017. Two and a half years ago and time went by very, very swiftly.

Not much happened except that I started showing (and acting) my age.

My family is doing well. Abigail is finishing her last year of high school and now is in college search mode. She gave up the urge for culinary sciences and actively looking forward to a forensic science career. Finding colleges with this kind of curriculum is not easy but she is adamant in her search. She is a good student with good grades and her mom and I are convinced she will find a good school.

She is still a homebody. 17 years old, beautiful and thank God has no boyfriend. Not that she doesn't talk about it all the time. I kind of implied that if she dares to bring a boy to this house I would probably kill him and finish my life in prison. She is our little girl and would like to keep it that way (at least for a while).

For years Abigail was telling us that she wanted a dog. Naturally I was against it. And, naturally I lost the fight! Now we are the proud (?) owners of an almost three year old maltese who goes by the name of Robin. He is a pain in the butt. Has to be walked every three to four hours and barks a lot. But he is very lovable and is attached to all of us. Mainly to my wife since she is the one who takes care of him the most. Honestly, I love the little guy.

My wife is the rock of this family. Putting up with a teenage and demanding daughter and a grouchy, old husband I am constantly amazed at her energy.

In the time since my last correspondence we visited Canada three times, Hungary a couple of times, went to Hawaii a few times, visited Las Vegas more than once and this August spent a week in St. Maarten. So as you can see we were and are busy.

St. Maarten was exceptionally good. My family had never been there and every year I was dying to have the opportunity to take them, but it couldn't happen. But this year it finally did. I think they loved the place. The weather wa great and the water was even greater. My wife and Abigail met all my friends and they all showed so much love towards all of us that it was very heartening. It was good for me to see them again and it was good for them to meet my family.

Since the year is not up yet we are planning another, shorter trip but we'll see. If flying would be free it would be very easy to go on trips but since it is not it does take some planning!