Tuesday, October 29, 2019


Today is mondaine Monday.

Today's major event was that Robin got a haircut. Actually it was a little more than a haircut, it was a full grooming job.
Bath,  trimming, nails. The whole nine yards. It took two and a half hours of work and when we got him back we just didn't recognize him. If it weren't that he jumped on us and was happy to see us we might have mistook him for another dog.

We drink an enormous amount of water in this house. My wife decided that we should buy a water cooler, the one that comes with the 5 gallon bottle. According to Amazon, they have very attractive types, ones that would fit nicely in a home.

I started to call around stores, supermarkets to find out how one can obtain these water bottles. It boggles one's mind how little people who answer the telephones know about what goes on in their stores. Without exception, every person I talked to had to ask somebody else for the answer after I put them the question. I wonder what basis people get assigned to answer the telephone. The stupider they are?

Anyway, we still don't know where we will get the water from. But this is something to keep me busy.

I don't know what happened in the world today but the market went up 132.66 points. Most of the time there is no rhyme or reason behind these moves but as long as it is up it is welcomed.

I think I might have mentioned it earlier that my wife is in love with the Hallmark Channel's movies. This channel show nothing but squeaky clean love stories where the guy gets the girl or the girl gets the guy. In most of these stories the first kiss is about five minutes before the film is ending.

The majority of the movies are filmed in Canada and primarily on the northwest. They show picture book, utopian towns where everybody is always smiling and where the only preoccupation is the harvest festival, Christmas or Valentine's Day.

In most of these stories one of the heroes gives up a well paying city job and career so he or she could move out to the country and raise goats, run an inn, become a farmer or run an eatery.

Never ever the question of money comes into the story. Here everybody live happily ever after.
Now, they are running a Christmas series. Two months before Christmas! We have the TV set on this channel totally oblivious to the outside world and I am ready to climb the walls from all this happiness that they exhibit.

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