Thursday, October 31, 2019


Not long ago there was a psychiatric conference in Vienna. The purpose of this conference was to determine the mental status of the population of the world. Many fames doctors for all parts of the world made speeches listing their professional experiences.

At the end of this conference all "shrinks" agreed on this: the population of the world or more specifically our Earth is composed of 50% normal and 50% not normal (crazy) people.

The problem as they see is that the the not normal people can camouflage their condition so well that others think they are normal while the normal people act in such a way that it makes everybody think that they are not normal.

These scientific minds also agreed on that fact that the greatest concentration of these people is in Washington, DC.

We are governed by a mix of people who are either normal but acting not normal and people who are not normal but hiding behind looking normal.

Now, what one supposed to do?

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