Friday, August 12, 2022


There is a health issue in my house. It is nothing critical, so don't worry. But it needs more of my time than usual. So, for a while I have to stop writing because I will not have the luxury to sit down and write.

Look back because occasionally I might just say something.


Thursday, August 11, 2022


I admit it as a man that I forgot to write.

Yesterday we had a very busy day and by the time we got home I was tired and happy to sit down and do nothing. There are days and weeks when we have nothing important to do except maybe one special thing a day. Yesterday it was different. Everything came together and it was one of the busiest days w had in a long time.

My apologies!  

Wednesday, August 10, 2022


I have been watching a lot of tv lately, mainly some kind of reality shows. Actually, the reality shows that are dealing with house remodeling. Not that I want to get into something like that, it is just that I like the way they play out.

Also, there are a lot of different people get on these shows who are looking for new homes or just want their existing homes remodeled. These people come in all sizes, genders and colors and the common thread is that they all have money. At least most of them.

Many are same sex couples. Man with man or woman with her partner, another woman. Ok. I do believe if God wanted this, He would have created Adam and Adam. But this is a moot point, no reason to argue about it. I accept it for whatever it is worth, but don't stick it into my face!

Interestingly, with man with man couples it is noticeable which of the two is the husband and who is the wife. But most of them try to do that pretty silently. While with women it is a different story. The husband tries to make sure that everybody notices who is wearing the pants in that family. Their postures, their behaviors, their mode of dressing are all trying to be very masculine. Many times, it is funny to watch how they are trying to prove themselves.

It is ok with me. I don't have to live with them and as long as it is between two consenting adults, fine. But nobody can force me to like this. Maybe I am too old fashioned. In my days and all throughout history these people were there. BUT they never flaunted it like they do today.  

Ok, here is my take on this situation.

I would like to ask on of these man wanabees how does she pee in the toilet? Standing up or sitting down? Because if she/he pees sitting down she is a woman, and it doesn't matter how she dresses and how she cuts her hair.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022


Dreams many times just remain dreams.

Lately I have been watching music videos, primarily with Israeli artists. During these viewining they show the orchestras and all the musicians, and that made me think. A child develops an interest to certain musical instrument, that is very nice and commendable. Parents start to finance the musical education and training with high hopes in their hearts. These hopes drive the child to the time consuming exercises and taking this very seriously. The child also has dreams for the future.

Parents and children, all hope to become that particular artist the world had not seen before. And this where dreams will remain dreams. As time goes by, they will realize this not to happen. No solo performances in Carnegie Hall, a high school or college concert will remain the highpoint of their career. Pretty depressing, if you ask me.

Looking at these orchestra I am seeing the violin players and think that every one of them had different dreams when they started to play the violin. Later the best they could hope for a place in an orchestra where they will just remain a nameless member of an entourage. Unfortunately, violin is one where in orchestras large numbers are needed and to excel is not that easy. One might become the first violin but the rest are just the support players. This is depressing.

There are other instruments in orchestras where larger numbers of musicians are needed like base and others but there are some instruments where a small number of musicians are used. These instruments provide an opportunity to excel. But at an early age this factor is not a driving force in selecting the right musical instrument.  

So, watching any orchestra to play we get close to a large group of unfulfilled dreamers.

Sunday, August 7, 2022


I came to the conclusion that I am an old fuddy-duddy with outdated beliefs and outdated morals. There is nothing wrong with being a little conservative but when certain things do occur, they bother me. Not to the extent that I could not live with them but just to the extent that it forces me to make a comment.

Actually, being old gives us old fogies to criticize everything. It is in the Old People By-laws. We lived longer than most people around us, had seen more than most people around us and that is where our experience comes from.

Abigail's responses to my criticisms are that things are different now than they were when I was at her age. Ok, I accept that but still there are things that I can not just yet accept. There is nothing I can do about it but I do not have to like them.

Teenagers a weird breed. Actually over 19 is not a teenager but they keep behaving as if they were. A 20 year old boy thinks he is a man just because he can get it up and a same age girl thinks she is a woman just because she can let it in! They all think they are adults but at the first problem where do they run? Back to home base to mommy and daddy because they are not capable to deal with any problem life throws at them. Chronologically they are in their 20s but mentally they just barely past 14-15 with no morals.

I heard from more places that lately it is accepted that parents allow these kids to go away alone or even with the parents and wherever they are they get their own separate rooms. And I mean boy and girl together. Parents in one room, the "couple" in another. We can be sure that these kids are not playing video games when they are alone! Maybe part of the night. But we can not stop nature. Even if it is forbidden, they will find ways.

I came to this country alone when I was 20 years old. Now 60 years later I am faced with such an issue. I accept that I skipped a few decades in moral evolution but still. At age 20 or 19 I couldn't dream back home to go away with my girlfriend for a weekend. Her parents would have killed both of us! I was an only child and as a boy my parents were more permissive, but I don't believe to that extent.

Maybe I just had a sheltered childhood, but I don't believe any of my guy friends were in such a situation.

This world is changing very fast for my liking. I can't say stop the world I want to get off.

My morals, and I am becoming an old fuddy doddy 

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Our Robin

Robin just went through between my legs. I should be as well as he is. That little dog has a constitution that is to be envied. A week ago, we were scared because he ate two little grapes. Now he is totally out of danger and behaves as he always did.

It is funny that this dog does not hold a grudge. We took him to the vet where he was jabbed several times, but he took them as a trooper. Never a noise, never a growl. And later he was just happy as a clam when we got him home. Granted, he had a few quiet moments when he just sat and snoozed but those dcays are gone and now he is back to normal.

We should have such a quick recovery from being almost poisoned. Actually, he knows that it was unintentional, and he forgave us already. It had a price, though. We had to give up trying to force him eating dog food. He let us know that he is an equal member of the family and he wants the same food as we eat.

So, the dog food we bought for him will be given away in charity.

Friday, August 5, 2022

Paper tiger

I wander how the history books in the furure will judge this country's military might. World War II was the only great war America won in modern times and that with the help of her allies. Shortly after WWII they got into the Korean fiasco which ended in failure. Lives lost, lives ruined and for what? To create a despotic dictatorial regime that sees the US as the biggest pariah in the world.

This country got involved in the Kuwait war against Iraq that they won. No great victory, but they won. However American involvement in Vietnam was another total failure. After years and years of fighting and human casualties America had to leave with her tail between her legs. The military superiority of this country was overcome by the Vietnamese. After all these years the disabled veterans from the Korean fiasco are still amongst us and are suffering the aftereffects of that war, The physical as well as psychological.

They went into Sudan but had to shamefully retreat. They went into Iraq but that was not a great glory either. The real McCoy was Afghanistan. This country supported the Taliban when they were fighting the Soviets and hoped they had a lifetime ally. But as it turned out the Taliban became one of Americas biggest enemy. After years of fighting a disorganized guerilla type war suddenly last year the United States withdrew all of its forces and presence from that country. Why did all those people die and got crippled for? 

The other military victory that comes to my mind happened on the Caribbean island of Grenada. This island was invaded by Cuba. When the Americans marched in they found three drunken on rum Cuban soldiers who were more than happy to give up.

This is our military history. Not very glorious but this all we have. We are good rattling our sabers but don't have much to show. In the Mao days China called America a paper tiger.  

Thursday, August 4, 2022


It is very scary to think about the leaders of this country. For one, we have a president who is slightly amnesiac. He forgets his words, has the presence of a potato and with his decisions embarrasses the country. Not just here home but also on the world stage. At this point I don't believe anybody take him seriously. And to think about that he has the control of the button.

His vice president who was chosen to gain black and women votes turned out to be another embarrassment. Her popularity is also at rock bottom. It is frightening to think about what would happen if for any reason she would become president. Everybody just hopes that come 2024 neither of them will run for a second term.

Thinking out loud, nobody in their right minds would vote for these two with the exception of the hardcore democrats.

Another shameful person is the old lady Pelosi. It mystifies me how can she hold on to her position as the speaker of the house. How much she pays to get the votes for the other representatives? This woman is as unamerican as they come (where is McCarthy when we need him). 

Just to spite everybody and against political advice, she decided to visit Taiwan. With that move she ruined the fledgling relationship US had with Beijing and even created the danger of war. China will not take kindly when someone spits in their eyes. But it seems this is no interest to this old woman. 

She is power hungry and also crooked. She will do anything in her present position even if it is against common sense or even presidential advice. The way it looks she can not be controlled.

Good country America! 

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Robin's food

Years ago, on a radio call in show with an animal expert I heard him say that cats and dogs will never die of hunger if the food we serve them is not to their likings. They might be finicky but according to him eventually they will eat the food originally disliked.

Well, Robin proved this adage not true. Last week when we took him to the vet, we were told that people food is not very healthy for him. Regardless that we talked to a lot of people there who were all feeding their dogs people food forever without any problems.

But to avoid ang y later complications we tried regular dog food. My wife ordered via Amazon about 36 cans of dog food. Do you think he touched any of it? For two days he rather didn't eat. On the third day we felt sorry for him and gave him people food and he swallowed it all up without coming up for air. I am convinced if we tried to frce the dog food on him he would have died of hunger.

Now, all this dog food will be given away.

Tuesday, August 2, 2022


I really don't envy our wives. They cook, clean, command us and keep our houses in order. And most of the time whatever decision they make it is always the right one. At least if we want peace and quiet, we make them believe this was the right decision.

My rule is to agree whatever decision my wife makes. If it is the wrong one at least I am in the clear. At least that is what I am hoping for but somehow mysteriously things have a way to find themselves back to me, making me the cause of all bad decisions. 

But this not important. This is the way of life (at least mine). I don't envy my wife because she is the boss in our kitchen and with that comes the difficult decision making of what to make every day. To create daily menus for a family is a very difficult responsibility. I learned a long time ago never complain about my wife's cooking, if I don't want to wear it. But thankfully she cooks very well.

Also, I like Hungarian food and she cooks Hungarian. But to make sure that our meals stay interesting and not monotonous she really has to reach into her memory to come up with the good stuff. Abigail is not much fan of Hungarian food. She loves Japanese, Korean an Spanish food. But these when necessary, we buy as takeout.

I can not list the names of the good stuff we had recently but believe me they were good. Being retired and pretty inactive the pounds stay with me. But thankfully I am not yet obese. 

Monday, August 1, 2022


Just an update on Robin in case the world is interested.

Last night's blood test was good, and they said he was ok. They do not want to see him any more.

Today is Sunday and this is it.