Tuesday, August 2, 2022


I really don't envy our wives. They cook, clean, command us and keep our houses in order. And most of the time whatever decision they make it is always the right one. At least if we want peace and quiet, we make them believe this was the right decision.

My rule is to agree whatever decision my wife makes. If it is the wrong one at least I am in the clear. At least that is what I am hoping for but somehow mysteriously things have a way to find themselves back to me, making me the cause of all bad decisions. 

But this not important. This is the way of life (at least mine). I don't envy my wife because she is the boss in our kitchen and with that comes the difficult decision making of what to make every day. To create daily menus for a family is a very difficult responsibility. I learned a long time ago never complain about my wife's cooking, if I don't want to wear it. But thankfully she cooks very well.

Also, I like Hungarian food and she cooks Hungarian. But to make sure that our meals stay interesting and not monotonous she really has to reach into her memory to come up with the good stuff. Abigail is not much fan of Hungarian food. She loves Japanese, Korean an Spanish food. But these when necessary, we buy as takeout.

I can not list the names of the good stuff we had recently but believe me they were good. Being retired and pretty inactive the pounds stay with me. But thankfully I am not yet obese. 

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