Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Tuesday's Politicking

Barnum and Bailey circus went out of business. It was a shame because they were the best three ring circus in this country.

We the American people are very lucky that there is a new emerging circus that keeps us entertained. Senate - House of Reps. - White House. Who can ask for better and classier entertainment? They don't have to spend any money for advertising because this circus is getting more media attention (free) than Donald Trump's presidential run did back in 2016.

The ringmaster is Nancy Pelosi with Senator Schumer playing second fiddle in case the old lady gets tired of whipping her whip. All other democrats play the roles of the trained tigers and elephants. What did the tigers do? They snarled a lot but at the end they jumped as commanded. Now, what did the trained elephants do? Stood behind one another (very, very close) on their hind legs. As the old saying goes "never turn your back on an elephant on his hind legs"!

These politicians are foaming at the mouth (maybe they are rabid) about Russian election interference, impeachment and anything else they can find. And good OLD Nancy is snapping her whip to keep everybody in line and the good ole boys do the elephant dance! She also snarls a lot. At her press conferences she snarls so much that her teeth are almost falling out. Now that would be a site!

Nancy was elected to Congress by a small California area which now encompasses San Francisco. No way, no how she represents this country. But she somehow she finagled her way into the leadership. Now that small time politician claims to speak for the entire country. A country she no clue about.

This country did not elect her, her cronies elected her. I realize this is not an easy job. All she has to do is say no to whatever her opposition wants and that is very difficult. One can always find an explanation to one's acts primarily if that one is a politician. It is not an accident that the majority of the politicians are lawyers. They know best how to lie and cheat and get away with it.

Nancy is so full of herself that her personal cult is almost as big as that fat guy's in N. Korea.

Good old Nancy is 79 years old. Why doesn't she go home and start to be a grandmother?

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