Tuesday, November 14, 2023


There is a microscopically controlled surgery used to treat both common and rare types of skin cancers. This procedure is called Mohs surgery. Unfortunate and fortunately I am familiar with this because I had several such procedures on my face, hand, and leg.

Unfortunately, because I need to have them and fortunately because every procedure cleaned out the presence of cancer. The procedure entails of the removal very thin layers of skin, have them examined under microscope and continue this "slicing" until the specimen is free from any trace of cancer. Sometimes the surgeon takes very few - one or two - cuts, sometimes several but in my case all procedures were pretty simple.

I really have bad skin. I always had but many decades of intense sunbathing did not help. Most of the time the dermatologist's comments were that the causes were caused by the sun. These problems started to surface a few years ago and since then I stayed away from the sun. I am not sorry that I love and loved the sun because in previous years I did enjoy my times in the water or just out on the beaches. I say, it was worth it.

Why am I mentioning this? Because I went to the dermatologist a week ago, she took two biopsies from my leg and found both not kosher. I should have taken Latin because the test results were written such a way that only a doctor or Latin major could understand it. Anyway, the doctor called me and explained it in English. This Tuesday I have the appointment with the specialist to perform the Mohs on my leg.

This will be about the third procedure on the same leg, same area and that bothers me. Why always that leg? My Mom had bone cancer and it was not very pretty. My doctor assured me that I shouldn't worry because this is not the type that spreads, it is very local and not close to the bone. For crying out loud, it is on my shin where after the skin there is the bone without any lining in between.

I hope for the best, I know this surgeon, he did most of my procedures and he is very good. I have faith in him. Actually, I always have faith in the doctors. Never ever question them. I'm sure I will live through this one, too. 

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