Thursday, November 16, 2023

Skin 2

Happy to say that I am alive. The procedure went well, and it was better than I expected it. They took one sample from each of the locations and after an hour I was told that there was no further need for any more samples. Thankfully not because it was so bad that there was nothing they could do about it but because the macroscopic examination found the bottom part of the samples cancer clean.

Afterwards they stitched up the two locations and told me to come back in two weeks for a checkup and then I was sent on my way. This is amazing once I think about it. They cut two quarter size holes in my leg to get the skin samples. They placed an artificial skin growth thing in each wound and said that by tomorrow night I can shower with this.

The amazing thing is how fast skin can heal when a procedure is done right. The doctor who did this is a Mohs specialist. That is all what he does days in and days out on all parts of a human body. It seems that he is not lacking for patients because he was booked for the entire day and for all near future days. I guess lots of people have skin problems and this particular procedure is a good way to prevent skin cancer from spreading.

I got so many injections that I felt absolutely nothing throughout the entire thing. As a matter of fact, now about six hours later I still feel nothing. As usual the only painful thing is the first few injections then nothing. I know as time flies, I will have more such procedures and just for that I didn't say goodbye to the doctor, I said I'll see you later!

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