Thursday, May 2, 2024

Sad Times

According to statistics Columbia University has 36,649 students. Out of this number, 20,321 are international students. Now only either the remaining 16,328 American students are demonstrating, or the foreign students are also involved. If this is the case, then I ask what business is it for them what this country's foreign policy is.

They came here to study and hopefully take their knowledge back to their home countries and not to take parts in demonstrations and fight police. This is a free country. If they do not like what is happening here they are free to back to their own countries like India, Pakistan, Liby, Iraq or whatever they came from because I am sure over there their dissents will be greatly appreciated.

They already said that the demonstrators are not all college students. There are instigators mixed in who are not students at all. This is very disturbing. But as far as the foreign students, why not to cancel their visas and make them go home? Actually, I already heard a senator say the same thing. All the news stations are showing nothing but these happenings and every commentator agrees that they are very disturbing.

Apparently, our president does not think so because there was no official comment from the White House and he did not say anything so far. But the day is not over.

Really Good Country America!?  


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