Tuesday, June 11, 2024


On May 28, 2024, Abigail graduated from college. She graduated magna cum laude, and I am really very proud of her. Naturally there was a big ceremony organized bt the college and we were there. Tickets were limited because there were over 3,00 students partaking in the ceremony, but we were lucky enough to get four. My wife and I and my closest(est) friend and his wife attended.

Because of the earlier antisemitic demonstrations at universities and colleges we were concerned that the ceremony might be cancelled but fortunately, it was held and there was no interruption of any kind with the exceptions of a fe Palestinian flag wavings.

Since the ceremony was held in the afternoon we had a celebratory lunch in a nearby Greek restaurant. There were 11 people there and it turned out very nicely. We ate, we drank, and we did not talk about politics and money. And that put everybody in a good mood.

Abigail graduated from forensic science. Her next move is to start in September in another university for her master's degree. Two-year program and we will see what happens afterward. We hope she gets used to studying and will continue for the PHD. But right now, it is too early and also, she does not want to talk about it.

Thinking back, when I met her she was in middle school and now she is a college graduate. Man. how time flies. She grew up to be a beautiful, smart (very opinionated) young lady and I, I am the same as I was when I met her the first time!



I abruptly stopped writing the daily blog. Nothing happened, I am fine. But there was a reason behind it and the reason was my family. If anyone thinks that we live in a free country without restrictions that person is greatly mistaken.

The first amendment of the constitution permits the freedom of the press. Not in my house! In my house censorship rules. If the family members do not agree with what I wrote, then it can not be published. They say that I write about controversial subjects and opinions, and they do not think I should continue doing it. For their and my safety!

So, being a good dad to my daughter and good husband to my wife, I agreed. I will stay away from any questionable subject, will keep my comments to myself and will only write when there is nothing to write about!