Sunday, November 10, 2019


Today my wife decided that because winter is on our doorstep we should take our window air conditioners out of the windows and put them in storage until spring. Not a small task!

Lately it has been cold. Fortunately the building is providing good heat but the disadvantage of these air conditioners is that cold air come through the windows where they are installed. So, my wife got to the task of uninstalling them. Three unit not very large but still. They had to be taken out then carried to the car and taken to the storage. It is a good thing we have an SUV because this way they fitted in fairly comfortable.

That was today's task. I'm so glad that we always find tasks to do. I don't dare to think what tasks might we have if we lived in a house.

Question: why only women think of tasks to do? We man totally believe in the status quo. Leave everything just the way they are. If it ain't broken don't fix it theory. As far as I'm concerned the silver is always good as it is. Why it need to be polished? And what's with spring cleaning? Clean the house once in a while should be enough.

It seems to me that women have different eyesights that men. They claim to see things we don't notice. Like discolorations, dust, faded furniture, wrinkled clothing etc.

But as good soldiers we complain, quietly but go along with them because we want to keep the peace.

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