Sunday, December 3, 2023


Last Wednesday we had a little excitement with little Robin. At his night walk we noticed that he was shaking his head too much. Naturally, my wife got very concerned about this and when we go back to the apartment. While checking his left ear she noticed some dark stuff in it. Trying to touch it Robin snapped indicating that it hurt. 

Next morning, we took him to the vet, saying that this was an emergency and needed to be addressed. They looked at it and said it was not an emergency. The black stuff was not something from the outside but simply a buildup of wax. We already had an appointment for his annual checkup for that same day and they said to bring him back then, which we did.

So, in the afternoon we went back, and they took a much closer look and determined that poor Robin had a nasty ear infection. They cleaned it and loaded us up with medication including antibiotics. When they cleaned his ear, he was crying it must have hurt him terrible. My wife cried and my heart just broke for that poor little thing. Never done anything bad to anybody (except biting me), why he had to suffer? But he came through and we took him home.

Now, we have to administer medications twice a day which is not an easy chore. He is no dummy. Even wrapping the pills into some food he knows and it takes some effort to make him swallow them. But so far we persevered. I believe he already feels better.

Now the vet is not shy either. Every move they made is listed, just like in a hospital. By the time we finished we were almost $2,000 poorer. And then we have to bring him back in two weeks and then he will get his annual vaccinations. He is 9.5 pounds. That is a lot of dollar per pound! Naturally we pay for this. He is a member of the family, he depends on us and we will not let him suffer. It is our responsibility to take care of him.

Abigail always says that he is her dog, so I told her that she can contribute to the expenses. Now suddenly I am the bad guy. Nothing is fair in this world! 


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