Thursday, September 14, 2023

New Technology

The world is going crazier and crazier as time goes by. This telecommunication craze is becoming a serious sickness. People are getting hooked on their telephones in mostly ridiculous ways. This dependance is creating very dangerous situations.

Drivers are messaging while driving or just staying longer than necessary at green lights because they are pushing the buttons. Pedestrians walking on the streets, crossing intersections without taking their eyes off their phones. And when an accident happens, they are the upset ones.

Why is it necessary that we immediately respond to every message we receive? Why these responses can not wait. I am sure that most of the messaging are not business related but social. Will our friends be insulted if we do not respond right away?

How did life go years ago pre-cell phone? Back in the "stone age" people used the traditional telephones from home or office to call and back then life went ahead just as well.

I am sure I mentioned this before but here it is again: in Honolulu it is a violation to cross a street while looking at a cell phone. Police will issue a summons for it. Why other cities do not follow this? One night we took Robin out for his usual walk. Abigail and I went out. We circled our city block. Abigail had her phone in her hand and throughout the entire walk she did not look up once to see where she was going. All throughout she was sending and receiving. Now I am sure this was social an dnot business.

The other morning my wife took me to her gym. While I was on the treadmill, a gym employee was going around to clean the equipments. I was watching him. In the course of five minutes, he took out his phone from his pocket at least three times and looked at it if there were any messages. Now I am sure these were not business related messages.

Now what really throws me is that I can be on the street at 3am and I am sure I will see somebody having a conversation on the telephone. Who else is up at that ungodly hour? This just proves that this world is full of crazy people.

Ok, so I am old and as they say I am behind times. I accept that but please agree with me that what goes on is just plain idiotic. Not just through my eyes but through every intelligent person.

1 comment:

  1. In parties as well, some people have to make and certainly receive, instead ignore calls. There should e a rule that on social occasions, phones should be switched off.
