Friday, April 12, 2024


In my country in the middle ages when there was a threat of war they carried a bloody sword around the country. This served as a notice to the nobles and others that the king requested their help in preparing for war, As time changed and technology came to the forefront there are other ways now to warn the people about an impending war.

First the hype. The media is the leader in building up the hype to a crescendo. They love nothing more than be the leaders in this. The ones who can save their credibility by saying "we told you so".

Then the politicians who don't know what side to take. They rattle the saber, but I am convinced that they are not prepared for the consequences, this country never had a war on its own territory so they are really do not imagine what it would entail if it had one. Using big words and warning others is easy. Putting an entire population in the line of danger is another thing. 

A war now would be totally different from any previous wars. With today's armaments wars could be "fought" in a very short time but create immeasurable damage. There will not be North Korean or Russian troops marching down the streets. There will be ruins and loss of lives. Governments will collapse and either new ones or just plain chaos will emerge.

They can take the president to a bunker for safety but what about the tens of millions of people who will perish or become deadly ill? There will be plainly no winners in such a war. With the technology of today there will only be losers and those will be us, the people. 

I lived through the Holocaust, the Second World War, the Hungarian Revolution in 1956 and 9/11. I had enough and I do not wish it on anybody, politics or no politics. The winds of war should be blown out of this world and the danger of such event should not hang over our heads. Looking forward to boring eventless days.

Good country America!


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