Wednesday, January 18, 2017


As I said yesterday the work started pretty much on time. The bad thing about a job like this is that there is nothing to do for us. We were trying to stay out of their ways but could not disappear. The minute we disappeared they were bound to ask something.

The other bad thing was that since every piece of furniture was under plastic covers we had absolutely no place to sit. This by itself was more tiring than anything else.

But regardless of my complaints work proceeded slowly but surely. No matter what we complained about we were assured that they would be done by Thursday pm.

The most difficult task for us was that the two bedrooms (Abigail's and ours) had to be unwrapped and made sweepable and rewrapped the next morning for the workers. We eventually overcame this by asking them to finish these two rooms first.

I had to go down to Home Depot several times to buy additional materials since we were supplying it.

Slowly ever so slowly things started to take shape. Doors were hung, hardware installed, walls prepared and finally painted.

By Thursday noon they were almost finished. A few more hours and by four pm they packed up and left. We didn't want to believe it that it was over.

Now the cleaning begun. My wife had somebody come over and help on Friday and they worked from dawn to dusk and longer. But at the end we looked around and decided it was worth it.

My wife spared me from the heavy lifting and I felt bad not allowed to pitch in as much as I should but I sincerely appreciated her concern for my well being.

Today, a week later we looked back and remembered what shape the place was a week ago.

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