Thursday, January 26, 2017


Yesterday, Tuesday we had such a busy day that I just couldn't get toast down and write. Today is different.

Abigail went iceskating with her friends and we had a few, actually about five hours to ourselves. But there was no relaxation to the weary. We just did errands which included food shopping.

Since there is still no elevator in the building we had to schlepp everything up the stairs. But hopefully because the day is not yet over there will be no need for any further going down.

I know we are spoiled and there are people who live in buildings with absolutely no elevator but that is not us. We have one and that is not operating is just a nuisance.

It's the same thing with our rental car. It is a nice little car with good pickup, comfortable and it takes us wherever we want to go.

But it is a basic car. It has nothing extravagant in it that we are used to. Like GPS, automatically dimmed rearview mirror, left and right lane watch, rear camera as well as a rear guard, electric seats, cruise control and several other things that we got used to.

This reminds me how it was to drive about 35 years ago. It is a good thing that it is not standard shift.

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