Saturday, July 16, 2016


Since we spent time on the beach we saw some very interesting happenings in Daytona Beach. At night we noticed a lot of people walking around in the dark with flashlights in their hands. Couldn't figure out what was the reason until somebody local enlightened us.

It seems at this time of the year sea turtles come to shore and lay and bury their eggs in the sand. These people were looking for the eggs. I don't know how they found them if they were buried but they did. I also don't know what they did with them. I'm sure they are not good for scrambled eggs. But maybe turtle eggs are.

Anyway these things are protected and not supposed to be disturbed. We heard that when they hatch there are thousands and thousands of young turtles trying to make it to the ocean and people come out and watch them. Must be interesting.

We don't have anything like this in New York. Anything that tries to make it to the sea is people in cars and nobody really watches them or cared if they make it or not.

Something else.

I noticed a phenomenon while on Daytona Beach that was not noticeable anywhere else.

Old people who were very useful.

At first at the airport the people who pushed wheelchairs on and off the planes to help the handicapped passengers were all older people. At the car rental desks there were not the usual "attractive" bunch but older people.

In town I visited a few large national stores and at the cash registers and the security guards were all without exception older people. When we left Daytona back to New York the airport security people working for the TSA were all upper middle age or higher.

This was very new to me. Living in New York I kind of got used to old people having no purpose in life. There is no place one can go where they can see older people working.

This is another reason I might consider living there. If I ever want to start a new career that is the place.

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