Saturday, September 17, 2016


It is Friday and as such the end of the week. Abigail finished her first full week of high school. As the school calendar looks full weeks will not be in abundance in this school year.

I went to school in a communist country where they celebrated every political event and I don't think we had as much no-school days as these kids do. These kids have about 18-20 days off not counting possible snow days.

In New York City they celebrate Chinese, Indian, Jewish and Muslim holidays as well as American legal holidays. In addition there are teacher conferences when the schools are closed.

These teachers are off the entire  summer, why do they have to have conferences during school time?

Something else.

Early this morning I woke up for the noise of a (possibly) traffic helicopter hovering over or close to our building and making enormous noise.

We are living very close to a pretty persistent traffic problem area and it seems to be a favorite traffic helicopter reporting site.

Since all the drivers on the road are coming from other areas and are passing through on their way to work the way I see it  these reportings are not performing any public service for our area but create inconveniences with their loud noise.

Why do I have to wake up at the crack of dawn just so some drivers from other areas would be informed why they are stuck in traffic?

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