I might have mentioned it in the past how much I dislike young people. I don't mean kids, I mean young people who appear on television and offer advise and explanations to today's political events.
I ask, what backgrounds these people have to be able to tell me the political thinking? What is their experience that they base their opinions on? Everything must be based on their book learning but that is not experience.
I will take any day an experienced political commentator over the age 50 because at least he has a background and he has seen things.
This is my reversed age discrimination. Give me an older person any time with his experience based know how against these young Turks.
Speaking of young versus old people here is another observation.
I have been watching a lot of poker tournaments lately and I noticed that 99% of the pros are young people. By young I mean below 30. So, here is my question. Where are the old-timers? Where are the people who play poker professionally for 15-30 years or longer? Did they die out or did they just give up because they can not hold their own against these young people.
Some of these players look so young that I'm sure they are asked to show their IDs whenever they enter a casino. I understand that playing poker for a living is much more attractive than any 9 to 5 job and the money can also be more enticing. But still, where are the oldies?