Wednesday, January 27, 2021


 This entire pandemic thing is going crazy. Nobody knows what is good and what is bad. Nobody knows what is the correct behavior.

In my apartment building there is a sign that says that the landlord wishes everyone to wear masks in the common areas like hallways, elevators, laundry room etc.

This is all ok, but I for one have the tendency to go out within the building without my mask. I just don't put it on or I just plain forget it. The other day a lady balled me out in the mailroom for not having my mask on. I told her not to worry about it because I am ok. She didn't buy it. Then I told her to piss off!

It annoys the heck out of me when I see reporters on tv out in some desolate area and talking into their microphone with the mask on. What are they afraid of? There is nobody around but their crew.

In the US Senate when they speak at least they remove their masks but in the House of Representative they insist of having their masks on making their speeches unintelligible. That's alright they don't make too much sense anyway. Anyway, it is to some's advantage to cover their faces!

I find it funny how scared the Washington politicians are since the January 6 event. They are so scared that it can be smelled all over the country. Don't they realize that it was by the people they claim to represent? It was the people for whom they try to do all that good stuff from both side of the aisle. This was their fan club they are suddenly trying to alienate themselves from.

Don't they realize that two years from now there will be elections and they all will have to account for their actions? Or they just don't care and are so sure of their power that they are convinced that they are invincible. 

To have military presence in Washington is unheard of, at least in this country. Is the military propping up this regime? 


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