Friday, January 22, 2021

Second Coming

Just continuing yesterday's line of thinking about the possibility of human flight I think walking on water is also in our near future.

Some people look at the new leader of the free world as the messiah who can easily walk on water. Will see, said the blind man!

Politics is a very strange business. It creates strange bedfellows. Today's adversary will easily becomes tomorrow's best buddy.

There is  common saying in prison: don't bend down for the soap in the shower!!!! Politics is like that also. The politicians have absolutely no conviction of any kind. The American politician believe in the power, the comfort the position provides and after their fall a safe future.

It is not a coincidence that most of the lawmakers have legal backgrounds. That is how they know how to circumvent the law. They probably teach that in law school and in political science classes.

Typical scenario is when a member of a body of lawmakers gets elected on the platform of a particular party then later on changes his or her alliance. Now, in my book that person if he is disillusioned should resign because if I voted for him/her, at that instance he/her is no longer representing me and just proved that he got into that position under false pretenses.

What a world we live in!  

1 comment:

  1. Hurray
    We found a common ground.
    Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely is the motto of most politician and it IS true. Plagiarism is allowed?
