Friday, February 4, 2022

Poor Abigail

I know that college is not easy. I know that in order to obtain knowledge one has to work very hard. But I still feel sorry for poor Abigail. She is a very good student. High school was fairly easy for her. First year college was also easy. Maybe the fact that in her first year she did not have to go in and all her classes were done online contributed to her good grades. But she is very conscientious and studies hard.

This year the college returned to some semblance of normalcy and most of her classes are in person, meaning she has to get up early in the morning and take the subway into Manhattan. If classes are finishing late, we drive into the City to pick her up. That was the case this past Tuesday.

The day for her started with a 7:30 am class and ended at 8:30 pm. Because of that early hour start, my wife decided to go with her on the subway. They left the house a little after 6:30 am, in total darkness. She went with her because of the crazies that are to be found on the subway stations. Then we and Robin drove into Manhattan to pick her up at the end of her day at 8:30 in the evening. Very long day. It consisted of chemistry labs and other science classes.

Unfortunately, that is the way it will be throughout this semester. I really feel sorry for her because this is really a very long day. Longer than a workday. But this will in a way prepare them for the real life where time has very little meaning when work at hand is considered. That was unfortunate, fortunately she likes what she is studying and joyfully takes her lumps.

Abigail for whatever reason likes chemistry and organic chemistry. Both are like the Chinese alphabet to me. Never liked them, never will. She is so good that she will tutor other students in her college. Right now, she is studying forensic science but if that doesn't work out, she might go into teaching chemistry on a high school level. 

I think she got her smarts from me, not the chemistry part.

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