Tuesday, February 22, 2022

The Big Lie

2020 and 2021 were supposed to be bad for businesses. A lot of small businesses closed because they could not afford the restrictions caused by the pandemic. That is understandable. Many large businesses slowed down or stopped productions because of the same restrictions. These are also understandable. Hollywood was crying crocodile tears about how they were not able to produce anything because of the same reasons. They also met with understanding nods.

However, and this is the big however!

How comes that tv and the movie houses are full of new productions that were created in 2020 and 2021? Were they produced from home, from someone's kitchen? Or were they just lying to gain the people's sympathy, and went ahead and worked like nothing happened?

Now, I really don't know what and whom to believe.

Here is something else. I read this morning that Bill Gates gave an interview last Friday where he said that another virus is very likely. How does he know? Is he a medical professional? Maybe he knows because he is part of the planning group! Also, last week there was an international security conference in Munich, Germany where government officials were the participants. I guess the Ukrainian problem was the main topic. Why was Bill Gates there? Is he a government official? Maybe he is part of an invisible government.?

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