Saturday, February 5, 2022


Today I lost my virginity. The lady I saw was very nice to me. I told her, be gentle with me, because this is my first time. She said don't worry I will take care of you. It won't hurt.

Now that I aroused your curiosity to unimaginable heights, I will explain what happened. On this coming Monday I will have a and because that is dermatological procedure done on my hand and because that is considered surgery their rule is that 72 hours before a covid test is required. Regardless that one already has the vaccine.

So, this morning my right nostril was brutally invaded. My family already had this test several times, but I was able to avoid it until today. Until today I remained a virgin. Actually, I was a little disappointed because it was over in less than a minute. She went into my nose, scratched my brain and it was done. Now, I am waiting for the result which I hope will show that I am as healthy as an ox (old ox).

There must be money to be made with these tests, because in our neighborhood there are curbside testing stations all over. Every other pharmacy sets up a testing station and people line up. I guess they all want a piece of the pie. Why not?

This proves my point. No matter what bad thing happens somebody makes money out of it. This is the American way!  

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